Standard 5: Work in a person-centered way Answers

Care Certificate Standard 5 work in a person-centred way helps us to understand the importance of uniqueness and individuality.

Please read and learn, do not copy.

Your answer can be completely different from mine. There is no ONE answer in Care Certificate.

Activity 5.1a Answer

The word ‘values’ are the core principles that guide workers to understand what is right and what is wrong. In addition, it helps the care worker to understand or identify the needs of others with care and compassion.

Our values are formed by our childhoods, families, backgrounds, cultures, religious beliefs, educations and relationships. For the role of care worker , I must follow the ‘6 Cs’, which includes showing interest at heart for service user(care), able to feel for others(compassion), ability to understand the need of individual and have skills to cater it (competence), able to listen carefully and speak well (communication) , to fearless to try new things that can help the individual (courage) and dedication towards care (commitment). These ‘6 Cs’ are often considered as six core values needed for the role of carer.

Activity 5.1b Answer

Values What How Why
Individuality Each person has their own identity. Get to know person’s history, preferences. To maintain person’s identity.
Rights Each person has right to speak their mind and safe. Listen what a person is saying without any judgement. To promote non-judgmental environment.
Choice Each person has right to make informed choices. Give relevant information to person to take a decision. To promote uniqueness.
Privacy Everyone has a right to private space and time when needed. Private information will pass with the consent from person. To keep person safe and maintaining person’s privacy.
Independence Support individual to look after themselves. Support person to continue their ADLs as independent as possible. To let them live their life as independent as possible.
Dignity Treat everyone with respect, valuing their individuality and their ethical belief. Take time to do things their way, do not assume. To promote open and positive environment.
Respect Respecting person and valuing them. Respect person’s opinion, even though we do not agree with them. To maintain person’s confidence.
Partnership Communication and trust between family and others. Value and respect what others have to say. To look after their well-being.


Activity 5.1c Answer

  1. Ask the person how he/she wants to spend their day. Each and every day in their life is important.
  2. Learn about someone’s history, preferences and wishes, and make a care plan that reflects it.
  3. Give choices to someone in meals and respect their choices.
  4. Give space to someone to decide when he/she wants to go to bed. Freedom and independence are important for them.

Activity 5.2a Answer

It is extremely important to know about Badiah’s history, preferences, wishes and needs as it will give a deeper insight into their likes, dislikes and routines. ‘One size fit all’ does not work when it comes to providing care and support.

In this case study:

  • Badiah wearing a head scarf all the time could be connected to her religious beliefs or it can be gifted by someone dear to her. As a care worker it is our duty understand the sentiments behind the behavior of person and their items.
  • As Badiah sometimes only picks at her meals without really eating anything, could be signs of decline in her motor control or maybe she does not like the food given to her. As Badiah is from Laos, an Asian country where people eat sticky rice with every meal, thus the management should try giving her food that she is familiar with.

Activity 5.2b Answer

Care or support plans are important source of information which depicts the recent behavior, routine, likes and dislikes about an individual. These plans are dynamic in nature which means the record is constantly reviewed and updated according to change in person’s needs and preferences.

In our MH, a keyworker system is followed where the responsible person (I.e keyworker) for a resident review the care plan on monthly basis or as soon as the need is changed.

For example, a resident called MT mobility level was drastically changed post his un-witnessed fall in the lounge area. After discharging from hospital, MT was not able to walk independently, so the staff need to use standing hoist. The care plan was immediately changed by resident’s keyworker to update the new situation.

As a care worker, we are aware that the care plans act as legal documents which might needed as evidence if an individual makes a complaint.

Activity 5.2c Answers

Question 1. Answer

The person-centered approach uses the idea that everyone has an inner wish to fulfil their personal potential. For instance,

  • We have a resident CB whose end-of-life wish is to die in our MH care home rather than in hospital. She wants to be alone during her last moment. Our keyworker has updated CB’s care plan and we staff members respect her decision with non-judgmental attitude.
  • Moving on, we have another resident WB whose daughter have shared that WB wants herself to rest beside her mother’s grave.

It is extremely important for us to understand our residents.

Question 2 Answer

As a care worker, we witness many individuals at their end-of-life stage. We are aware that person must be treated with respect, dignity and care. Their wishes need to be followed. An advance care planning (ACP) needs to take place and followed by the Mental Capacity Act 2005. If a person cannot verbally express the wishes, then we must work with an advocate who can express the person’s wishes on their behalf.

Activity 5.6a Answers

Question 1 Answer

Spiritual It tells us what gives purpose in life to the person (through religious, faith, beliefs).
Emotional It tells us how the person feels about himself.
Cultural Person’s background, identity, culture and their engagement with arts, sciences, crafts, hobbies etc.
Religious or philosophical Person’s beliefs or faith.
Social Their relationship with romantic partner or family member.
Political Their political opinions, feelings towards their motherland.
Sexual Their intimacies.
Physical Their looks, self-confidence.
Mental Their potential and ability to contribute to society.

Question 2 Answer

When person is leading an active social life, having choice to do what you want with lots of friends then the person would feel valued and self-confident. Besides this, it gives a good sense of identity and self-worth.

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Author: Navneet Kaur

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