Care certificate Standard 11 Safeguarding Children answers

Standard 11: Safeguarding Children Answers

Care Certificate Standard 11 Safeguarding Children teaches us how to spot child abuse and stop it.

Please read and learn, do not copy.

Your answer can be completely different from mine. There is no ONE answer in Care Certificate.

Activity 11.1 a Answer


Physical conditions like skin discoloration, hitting, biting , burning wounds, skin tear or broken bones can be termed as physical abuse.
Speech delay, fear of making mistakes, delay in overall development, scared and anxious at all times.
Genital or anal pain, itching in private parts and STDs (Sexually transmitted diseases).
Lack of attention, malnourished, no access to education, dirty clothing, poor housing, hygiene or parenting, delay in development, tiredness.
Extreme thoughts or ideas, new group of friends, violent terminology based on political ,social or religious beliefs.
Always accompanied by the adult who is stem and talk on their behalf, disheveled appearance, can not speak English language.
Severe pain and bleeding in girls labia, sexual problem, emotionally withdrawn , damage to reproductive system, infertility.

Activity 11.2 Answer

Part I)


  1. It could increase their vulnerability.
  2. Slow their development.
  3. Unable to build emotional attachments with child causing emotional harm.
  4. Increases the likelihood of abuse and neglect.
  5. Unable to judge dangerous situation due to domestic violence and causing physical damage to the child.

Part ii)

It can make them aggressive or they can start internally distress and may appear distant from other people. The child may feel worthless which increases their vulnerability and they may not feel safe at home.

When the child turn adult, they can start acting up and began playing aggressive , may start the use of alcohol or drugs. Besides this, the child can easily self-harm by cutting themselves or can began showing the sign of eating disorder.

Apart from this, child can suffer from mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.

Activity 11.3 Answer


1. Right to live a healthy life. All the children have the right to live a healthy life, free from harm, abuse or neglect. Staff must be trained to recognize the signs of possible abuse.
2. Right to not to be separated from their parents unless they are at risk of harm. The child should not be separated from their parents unless staying with parents is harmful for the child. Child’s consent is mandatory in such cases. All this written in Article 9 of UNCRC.
3. Right of protection from drugs, sexual abuse or any harm to their development. The child are to be protected from drugs , sexual abuse or any involvement in trafficking. This right comes under article 33 of CRC.

Activity 11.4 Answer

1. 2. 3.
I will instantly record the concern and report to my manager immediately. My home manager is an ideal person to report concern and if my manager do not follow the lead, I will seek help from safeguarding lead. I can seek advice from following parties:

l Home manager.

l Safeguarding lead.

l Local police.

l Social worker.

l National Society for the prevention of cruelty to children.

Activity 11.5 Answer

  1. Being exposed to radical thoughts.
  2. Viewing explicit or pornographic images.
  3. Facing cyber bullying.
  4. Exposing to violent behavior or culture/ exposing to sexual predators.
  5. Acting older than their age.

Activity 11.6 Answer


This act protects the children from risks and helps to look after the children who are in need of support. This act tells how to help the child who are being abused.


It places responsibility on local authorities to make a joint plan to help the children in need using CAF (common assessment framework).


This acts has two parts where part 1 tells what is sexual offence (physical and non-physical contact) whereas part 2 tells how to deal with sex offenders. This act says age 16 can consent and in some cases where trust position is adult then consent age is 18.


Helps to bring care and legislation together with well-being at heart. Though Care Act 2014 covers mainly adults but it also have same provisions for children.


With this act, young carers will get same support as adult carers . Carers under the age of 18 will need to have same assessment of their needs as others.

You may also like to learn about Standard 10. 

Author: Navneet Kaur

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