Acceptance of gift policy for care home

Acceptance of Gifts Policy for care home

Policy Statement:

At [Residential Care Home Name], we value the kindness and support of individuals, families, and organizations who wish to contribute non-monetary gifts to enhance the well-being of our residents and support our mission. This policy outlines the guidelines and procedures for the acceptance of non-monetary gifts at our residential care home.


This policy applies to all residents, employees, volunteers, board members, and any other individuals associated with [Residential Care Home Name] who may be involved in the acceptance of non-monetary gifts on behalf of the care home.

Policy Guidelines:

1. Purpose of Non-Monetary Gifts:

a. Non-monetary gifts accepted by [Residential Care Home Name] should align with the organization’s mission and objectives, and be in the best interests of our residents and the care home.

b. Accepted non-monetary gifts may include, but are not limited to, items such as clothing, books, art supplies, games, crafts, technology devices, furniture, and other items that can benefit our residents’ well-being and quality of life.

2. Acceptance Criteria:

a. Non-monetary gifts should be legal, safe, and compliant with all applicable laws and regulations.

b. The acceptance of non-monetary gifts should not compromise the independence, impartiality, or professional judgment of individuals associated with the care home.

c. Non-monetary gifts should not create conflicts of interest or potential conflicts of interest.

3. Restricted Gifts:

a. [Residential Care Home Name] may accept restricted non-monetary gifts, which are donations with specific conditions or restrictions attached. However, such gifts will only be accepted if they align with the care home’s mission and if the conditions or restrictions can be reasonably fulfilled.

b. The acceptance of restricted non-monetary gifts will be subject to careful review and approval by the appropriate authority within the care home.

4. Rejection of Gifts:

a. [Residential Care Home Name] reserves the right to reject any non-monetary gift that does not align with the organization’s mission, values, or ethical standards, or if accepting the gift would create a conflict of interest or compromise the care home’s operations.

b. The decision to reject a non-monetary gift will be made by the appropriate authority within the care home after careful consideration.

5. Recognition and Stewardship:

a. [Residential Care Home Name] will acknowledge and appreciate all accepted non-monetary gifts, unless the donor wishes to remain anonymous.

b. Proper stewardship of accepted non-monetary gifts will be ensured, including appropriate record-keeping, allocation, and utilization of resources in accordance with donor intentions, if specified.

6. Compliance:

a. All individuals involved in the acceptance of non-monetary gifts at [Residential Care Home Name] are expected to comply with this policy and any related procedures.

b. Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or other appropriate actions.

7. Review:

a. This policy will be periodically reviewed and updated as necessary to ensure its continued effectiveness and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

b. Any proposed changes to this policy should be submitted to the appropriate authority for review and approval.

Effective Date:

This policy will be effective as of the date of approval and will remain in effect until further notice or until it is revised or rescinded.

Approved By:



Reviewed By:


You can download Acceptance of Gifts Policy for care home template here !!!

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Author: Navneet Kaur