Accommodation of Service Users in the Event of an Emergency

Policy Title: Accommodation of Service Users in the Event of an Emergency

Policy Number: AH-CH-001

Effective Date: [Insert Date]

Policy Statement:

At [Care Home Name], we prioritize the safety and well-being of our service users. This policy outlines our commitment to ensuring appropriate accommodations and support for service users in the event of an emergency situation. Our aim is to implement effective emergency preparedness measures to minimize risks and provide a secure environment for all residents.


This policy applies to all service users residing in [Care Home Name], as well as all staff members responsible for their well-being and safety.

Policy Guidelines:

  1. Emergency Preparedness:

a.The care home shall establish and maintain an up-to-date emergency preparedness plan, which includes procedures for evacuation, relocation, and accommodation of service users during various emergency scenarios (e.g., fire, severe weather, power outage, etc.).

b.The emergency preparedness plan shall be regularly reviewed, updated, and communicated to all staff members to ensure their familiarity with the procedures.

c. Adequate emergency supplies, such as emergency lighting, communication devices, first aid kits, and emergency food and water, shall be maintained and readily accessible in designated areas of the care home.

d.We will conduct regular drills and exercises to assess the effectiveness of our emergency procedures and identify areas for improvement.

e.The emergency plan will include a clear chain of command and designate staff responsibilities during emergency situations.

  1. Emergency Evacuation Procedures:

a.In the event of an emergency that requires evacuation, all staff members shall be responsible for assisting service users in a calm and orderly manner.

b.Service users with mobility issues or special needs shall be given priority and provided with appropriate assistance during an evacuation.

c. Clear evacuation routes and exits shall be clearly marked throughout the care home, and regular drills shall be conducted to familiarize both staff members and service users with the procedures.

d. The care home shall maintain an updated register of service users, including their emergency contact details and any specific individual needs or requirements, which shall be readily available during emergencies.

  1. Relocation and Accommodation:

a. In situations where immediate evacuation is not necessary, but relocation is required, the care home shall have alternative accommodation arrangements in place, such as identified safe areas within the premises or nearby designated emergency shelters.

b. Service users’ comfort, privacy, and specific needs shall be considered during the relocation process, ensuring that appropriate facilities, assistance, and care are provided.

c. Clear communication channels shall be established to inform service users’ families or emergency contacts about the relocation and the steps taken to ensure their well-being.

  1.  Staff Training and Responsibilities:

a.All staff members shall receive appropriate training on emergency preparedness, evacuation procedures, and relocation protocols during their induction and regular refresher courses.

b. Designated staff members shall be assigned specific responsibilities during emergencies, including taking headcounts, liaising with emergency services, communicating with service users’ families, and coordinating the relocation process.

  1. Risk Assessment and Mitigation:

a.We will conduct regular risk assessments to identify potential hazards within the care home premises that could pose a threat to the safety and well-being of service users.

b.Appropriate measures will be taken to mitigate identified risks, such as maintaining fire safety equipment, conducting regular electrical safety checks, and implementing security measures.

c. Adequate training will be provided to staff members on recognizing and responding to potential risks and emergency situations effectively.

  1. Continuity of Care:

a.Plans and procedures will be in place to ensure the continuity of care for service users during and after emergency situations.

b. Adequate supplies of essential medications, food, water, and other necessary provisions will be maintained to sustain service users during an emergency.

c. Efforts will be made to provide emotional support and reassurance to service users during and after emergency situations, taking into consideration the potential impact on their mental well-being.

  1. Review and Improvement:

a.The emergency preparedness plan, evacuation procedures, and relocation protocols shall be reviewed annually or as necessary, to ensure their effectiveness and compliance with any relevant regulations or guidelines.

b. Regular emergency drills and simulations shall be conducted to test the readiness of staff members and the efficacy of the emergency procedures.

c. Feedback from staff members, service users, and their families shall be encouraged and considered to improve the emergency response and accommodation processes.


Adherence to this policy is mandatory for all staff members at [Care Home Name]. Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action. We are committed to maintaining a safe and secure environment for our service users and will continually strive to enhance our emergency preparedness and response capabilities.


This policy shall be made available to all staff members and shall be accessible to service users, their families, or their representatives upon request. It shall also be posted in prominent locations within the care home.


This policy has been approved and authorized by:




Policy Review:

Next Review Date: [Date]

Reviewing Committee: [Committee/Department Name]

You can also download the Accommodation of service user’s in the event of an emergency policy in care home template here !!!!

Author: Navneet Kaur