admission under section 117 policy

Admission Under Section 117 Policy for Care Home

Date of Assessment: [Insert Date]
Assessment Review Date: [Insert Review Date]


Admission process under Section 117 policy for care homes plays a crucial role in ensuring appropriate care and support for individuals with mental health needs. Section 117 of the Mental Health Act 1983 establishes a legal duty for the provision of aftercare services for individuals who have been detained under specific sections of the Act.

This policy aims to outline the key considerations, procedures, and responsibilities involved in the admission process under Section 117 policy for care homes. This document will provide a comprehensive understanding of the policy, emphasizing the importance of effective communication, person-centred care, and collaboration among all stakeholders involved.

Section 1: Background and Purpose

1.1 Background:

Section 117 of the Mental Health Act 1983 is designed to ensure a smooth transition and continuity of care for individuals detained under Sections 3, 37, 45A, 47, or 48 of the Act. The policy focuses on promoting recovery, independence, and social integration for individuals with mental health needs.

1.2 Purpose:

The purpose of this policy is to establish clear guidelines and procedures for the admission process under the Section 117 policy for care homes. It aims to ensure that individuals receive appropriate care, support, and accommodation, enabling them to achieve their optimal level of functioning and quality of life.

Section 2: Key Considerations

2.1 Person-Centered Approach:

Admission under Section 117 policy should always prioritize the needs, preferences, and aspirations of the individual. A person-centred approach ensures that the care and support provided are tailored to their unique circumstances, promoting their autonomy, dignity, and empowerment.

2.2 Collaborative Decision-Making:

The admission process should involve collaboration between mental health professionals, care home staff, the individual, their family or carers, and any other relevant stakeholders. This collaborative approach helps to ensure that all parties are actively involved in the decision-making process and that the individual’s best interests are upheld.

2.3 Assessment and Care Planning:

Thorough assessments should be conducted to determine the individual’s care and support needs, including physical, mental, emotional, and social aspects. This assessment should be holistic and comprehensive, considering factors such as housing, employment, education, social relationships, and cultural background.

Care plans should be developed based on these assessments, outlining specific goals, interventions, and desired outcomes.

2.4 Safeguarding:

Safeguarding measures must be in place throughout the admission process to protect the individual’s rights and welfare. This includes ensuring that appropriate risk assessments are carried out, staff are trained in safeguarding procedures, and effective communication channels are established to report any concerns or incidents.

Section 3: Admission Process

3.1 Referral:

The admission process typically starts with a referral from mental health professionals, such as psychiatrists, care coordinators, or social workers. The referral should provide detailed information about the individual’s mental health condition, treatment history, and the reasons for considering admission to a care home under Section 117.

3.2 Assessment and Eligibility:

Upon receiving the referral, the care home should conduct a thorough assessment to determine the individual’s eligibility for admission under Section 117 policy. This assessment should consider the criteria specified in the Mental Health Act 1983 and any additional local guidelines or protocols.

3.3 Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) Meeting:

If the individual meets the eligibility criteria, a multi-disciplinary team meeting should be convened. The MDT should consist of professionals involved in the individual’s care, including mental health practitioners, care home staff, and representatives from social services.

The purpose of this meeting is to review the assessment findings, discuss the individual’s needs, and develop a comprehensive care plan.

3.4 Placement Matching:

Once the care plan is developed, the care home should identify a suitable placement that meets the individual’s needs and preferences. Besides this, factors such as location, facilities, staff expertise, and cultural considerations should be taken into account to ensure the best possible match.

3.5 Communication and Consent:

Throughout the admission process, effective communication with the individual, their family or carers, and other stakeholders is essential. Moving on, clear and transparent information should be provided, ensuring that all parties understand the process, expectations, and any potential risks or benefits.

Informed consent must be obtained before proceeding with the admission.

3.6 Admission and Aftercare Arrangements:

Upon admission to the care home, a detailed handover should be conducted between the mental health team and the care home staff. This handover should include all relevant information regarding the individual’s mental health condition, medication, treatment plan, risk management strategies, and any specific support needs.

The care home staff should collaborate closely with the mental health team to ensure continuity of care and effective implementation of the care plan.

Section 4: Monitoring and Review

4.1 Ongoing Assessment:

Regular assessments should be conducted to monitor the individual’s progress, review the effectiveness of the care plan, and identify any changes in their needs or circumstances. These assessments should involve input from the individual, their family or carers, and the care home staff, promoting a collaborative approach to care.

4.2 Review Meetings:

Review meetings should be held periodically, involving all relevant stakeholders, to discuss the individual’s progress and make any necessary adjustments to the care plan. These meetings provide an opportunity to address concerns, set new goals, and ensure that the care provided remains person-centred and effective.

4.3 Discharge Planning:

The ultimate goal of the Section 117 aftercare provision is to support the individual’s recovery and eventual discharge into the community. Moreover , discharge planning should commence as early as possible, considering factors such as suitable accommodation, ongoing support services, employment or education opportunities, and social integration.

The individual should be actively involved in the discharge planning process to ensure their preferences and aspirations are taken into account.


The admission process under Section 117 policy for care homes is a critical component in providing appropriate care, support, and accommodation for individuals with mental health needs. By adhering to the key considerations outlined in this policy, care homes can ensure a person-centred approach, collaboration among stakeholders, comprehensive assessments, and effective monitoring and review processes.

This, in turn, promotes the well-being, recovery, and social integration of individuals in their journey towards a fulfilling and independent life.


Assessor’s Signature: [Insert Assessor’s Signature]
Date: [Insert Date]

You can download the Admission Under Section 117 Policy for Care Home template here !!

Next :Aggression and Violence Policy for Care Home

Author: Navneet Kaur