bedrails usage policy

Bedrail Usage Policy for Care Home

The purpose of this bedrail usage policy is to establish guidelines and procedures for the appropriate and safe use of bedrails within a care home setting. Bedrails are commonly used to enhance resident safety, prevent falls, and provide support and assistance during transfers. However, it is essential to balance the benefits of bedrails with the potential risks they may pose to residents’ well-being. This policy aims to ensure that bedrails are used judiciously, following best practices and prioritizing resident safety, dignity, and comfort.

Section 1: Purpose and Scope

1.1 Purpose:

The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework for the safe and appropriate use of bedrails in the care home. It outlines the responsibilities of staff, the assessment process, the informed consent procedure, regular monitoring and review, and the considerations for alternative interventions.

1.2 Scope:

This policy applies to all staff members involved in the care and support of residents in the care home. It encompasses all areas where bedrails may be used, including resident bedrooms, common areas, and communal sleeping arrangements.

Section 2: Risk Assessment and Decision-Making

2.1 Individualized Risk Assessment:

Before considering the use of bedrails, a comprehensive individualized risk assessment should be conducted for each resident. This assessment should evaluate their mobility, strength, balance, cognition, continence, and any other relevant factors. The assessment should be documented and regularly reviewed.

2.2 Informed Decision-Making:

The use of bedrails should be based on informed decision-making. The resident, or their legally authorized representative, should be involved in the decision-making process. The benefits, risks, and alternatives to bedrail usage should be clearly explained, and informed consent should be obtained before implementing bedrails.

Section 3: Bedrail Selection and Installation

3.1 Bedrail Design and Compatibility:

Bedrails should be selected based on their design, compatibility with the bed frame, and appropriateness for the resident’s needs. They should be sturdy, secure, and well-maintained, without any sharp edges or protrusions that may pose a risk of injury.

3.2 Proper Installation and Adjustment:

Bedrails should be installed and adjusted according to the manufacturer’s instructions. They should be securely attached to the bed frame to prevent dislodgement or collapse. Regular checks should be performed to ensure that bedrails remain in a safe and effective position.

Section 4: Monitoring and Review

4.1 Regular Assessment and Review:

The use of bedrails should be regularly assessed and reviewed to determine their ongoing necessity. The resident’s condition, preferences, and goals should be considered during these assessments. The review should include input from the resident, their family or carers, and the care team.

4.2 Documentation:

All instances of bedrail usage, including the initial assessment, consent, installation, adjustments, monitoring, and review, should be documented accurately and kept in the resident’s care records. This documentation should be accessible to authorized staff members involved in the resident’s care.

Section 5: Staff Training and Education

5.1 Staff Competency:

Staff members involved in the selection, installation, monitoring, and review of bedrails should receive appropriate training and education. This training should cover risk assessment, informed consent, proper installation and adjustment techniques, and the identification and management of potential risks associated with bedrail usage.

5.2 Continuous Professional Development:

Ongoing training and professional development opportunities should be provided to staff members to ensure their knowledge and skills regarding bedrail usage remain up to date. This may include workshops, seminars, online courses, and sharing best practices within the care home.

Section 6: Alternative Interventions

6.1 Person-Centered Approach:

The care home should adopt a person-centered approach, considering alternative interventions that may reduce the need for bedrail usage. These alternatives may include fall prevention strategies, environmental modifications, assistive devices, individualized care plans, and staff assistance during transfers and mobility.

6.2 Multidisciplinary Collaboration:

When exploring alternative interventions, collaboration among the care team, residents, family members, and relevant healthcare professionals is essential. This collaborative approach ensures that the resident’s specific needs and preferences are addressed, promoting their safety and well-being.


The bedrail usage policy outlined above serves as a comprehensive guide for the safe and appropriate use of bedrails within a care home setting. By adhering to this policy, care homes can ensure that the use of bedrails is based on individualized risk assessments, informed decision-making, proper installation, regular monitoring and review, staff competency, and a person-centered approach. This, in turn, promotes resident safety, dignity, and comfort, while mitigating the potential risks associated with bedrail usage.

You can download the Bedrail Usage Policy for Care Home template here !!

Next :Admission Under Section 117 Policy for Care Home

Author: Navneet Kaur