Category: Policies

These are some of the examples of care home policies one can use to show to CQC .

Policy on the Presence of Animals in the Care Home
Posted in Policies

Policy on the Presence of Animals

Introduction: Policy on the Presence of Animals outlines guidelines and procedures for the presence of animals within…

Planning and Providing Transport for Resident Community Visit Policy
Posted in Policies

Planning and Providing Transport for Resident Community Visit Policy

Introduction: Planning and Providing Transport for Resident Community Visit Policy outlines the guidelines and procedures for organizing…

Policy on restraint and self-defense
Posted in Policies

Restraint and Self-Defense Policy

Introduction: Restraint and Self-Defense Policy articulates the principles, guidelines, and procedures governing the use of restraint and…

prevention of pressure sore policy
Posted in Policies

Prevention of Pressure Sore Policy

Introduction: Prevention of Pressure Sore Policy outlines the care home’s commitment to the proactive management and prevention…

Privacy and dignity Policy for Care Home
Posted in Policies Procedures

Privacy and Dignity Policy for Care Home

Introduction: Privacy and Dignity Policy for Care Home articulates the principles, procedures, and standards governing the protection…

Premises Policy for Care Home
Posted in Policies

Premises Policy for Care Home

Introduction: Premises Policy for Care Home outlines the guidelines and procedures for maintaining a safe, secure, and…

Missing Residents While Away from the Care Home Policy
Posted in Policies Procedures

Missing Residents While Away from the Care Home Policy

Introduction: Missing Residents While Away from the Care Home Policy is designed to outline the procedures and…

Moving and Handling Policy
Posted in Policies

Moving and Handling Policy

Introduction: Moving and Handling Policy establishes guidelines and procedures for the safe and effective moving and handling…

Mental capacity Policy for Care Home
Posted in Policies

Mental Capacity Policy for Care Home

Introduction: Mental Capacity Policy outlines the principles, procedures, and guidelines to ensure the respectful and lawful treatment…

Medication Policy for Care Home
Posted in Policies

Medication Policy for Residential Care Home

Introduction: Medication Policy for Residential Care Home outlined in this document is designed to ensure the safe…