Category: Policies

These are some of the examples of care home policies one can use to show to CQC .

Clinical waste policy
Posted in Policies

Clinical Waste Policy for Care Home

1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose: The purpose of this clinical waste policy is to provide guidelines and procedures…

bedrails usage policy
Posted in Policies

Bedrail Usage Policy for Care Home

The purpose of this bedrail usage policy is to establish guidelines and procedures for the appropriate and…

admission under section 117 policy
Posted in Policies

Admission Under Section 117 Policy for Care Home

Date of Assessment: [Insert Date] Assessment Review Date: [Insert Review Date]  Introduction: Admission process under Section 117…

Posted in Policies

Aggression and Violence Policy for Care Home

Introduction: At [Care Home Name], we are committed to maintaining a safe and secure environment for our…

Accident and incident procedure for care home
Posted in Policies

Accident and Incident Procedure for Care Home

Introduction: At [Care Home Name], the safety and well-being of our residents, employees, and visitors are our…

Acceptance of gift policy for care home
Posted in Policies

Acceptance of Gifts Policy for care home

Policy Statement: At [Residential Care Home Name], we value the kindness and support of individuals, families, and…

Posted in Policies

Accommodation of Service Users in the Event of an Emergency

Policy Title: Accommodation of Service Users in the Event of an Emergency Policy Number: AH-CH-001 Effective Date:…

Posted in Policies

Fire Risk Assessment for Care Home

Fire Risk Assessment for Care Home Please note that this fire risk assessment serves as a general…

Posted in Policies

Visitors Policy for Care Home

Visitors Policy for Care Home Note: This visitors policy is designed as a general framework. Care homes…