Category: Procedures

Smoke-Free Policy
Posted in Procedures

Smoke-Free Policy

Introduction: Smoke-Free Policy establishes the guidelines and procedures for maintaining a smoke-free environment within the Care Home….

Service User Policy
Posted in Policies Procedures

Service User Policy

Introduction: Service User policy outlines the principles, standards, and procedures that govern the rights, responsibilities, and overall…

Pressure Ulcer Reporting Process
Posted in Procedures

Pressure Ulcer Reporting Process

Introduction: Pressure Ulcer Reporting Process is essential for ensuring the timely identification, intervention, and monitoring of pressure…

Privacy and dignity Policy for Care Home
Posted in Policies Procedures

Privacy and Dignity Policy for Care Home

Introduction: Privacy and Dignity Policy for Care Home articulates the principles, procedures, and standards governing the protection…

Missing Residents While Away from the Care Home Policy
Posted in Policies Procedures

Missing Residents While Away from the Care Home Policy

Introduction: Missing Residents While Away from the Care Home Policy is designed to outline the procedures and…

Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA)
Posted in Procedures

Mental Capacity Act 2005 Procedure

Introduction: Mental Capacity Act 2005 Procedure outlines the procedures and guidelines for care homes to adhere to…

Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
Posted in Procedures

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)

Introduction: Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) establishes a legal framework to safeguard the rights and well-being of…

Handling of Deceased Persons Processions for Care Home
Posted in Procedures

Handling of Deceased Persons Processions for Care Home

Introduction: Handling of Deceased Persons Processions for Care Home is a sensitive and significant event. To ensure…

smell of gas procedure
Posted in Procedures

Smell of Gas Procedure for Care Home

Introduction: Smell of Gas Procedure for  Care Home outlines the steps to be taken in the event…

end of life care for resident
Posted in Policies Procedures

End of Life Care for Resident

End-of-life care is a critical aspect of the services provided by residential care homes. As individuals near…