Essential Reports and Certificates Every Service Provider Needs

Essential Reports and Certificates Every Service Provider Needs

Whether it’s certifications related to health and medical records, safety protocols, or regulatory compliance, this post will serve as a one-stop guide for service users to navigate the landscape of necessary certificates. The goal is to empower users with the knowledge needed to ensure that all required certifications are up to date, contributing to the overall well-being and quality of service provision.

1. Liability Insurance Certificate 
  • Needs to be renewed yearly.
2. Gas Safety Certificate 
  • Needs to be renewed yearly.
  • Include Building Regulations Compliance Certificate
  • Last Gas Inspection Report – which specifies whether the boilers are passed or not.
3. Legionella Testing Certificate (For water)
  • Needs to be renewed yearly.
  • Helps to detect the bacteria in water (For example AQUACERT company).
  • Proofs could be certificates or email interactions.
  • An inspection report by an engineer.
  • The water supply company (for example Anglian Water) needs to carry out “Water Regulations Compliance Inspection to make sure the site is compliant with water supply (water fittings) regulations 1999. Moreover, the company needs to give a certificate as well.
4. Portable Appliances Testing (PAT)
  • Needs to be renewed yearly
  • Your PAT test report needs to clarify who performed the test.
  • The test needs to be carried out on the following appliances: TV, digital clock, lamp, electric bed, air cushion, radio, charger, fish tank charger, milk dispenser, kettle, toaster, fridge, dishwasher, freezer, air conditioner, medication machines such as oxygen, iPad, Medication cupboard light, soup maker, porridge maker, microwave, computer, iron machine, washing machine, dryer, printer, adapter, telephone plug, stereo DVD player, heater, fan, table lamp.
5. Electrical Installation Condition Reports 
  • Needs to be renewed for 5 years.
  • The inspector/conductor approved by NICEIC will check sockets, lights, fire alarms, and nurse calls.
  • Check cables or wires, check frequency, voltage, earthing conductors, bonding conductors, service cable, earthing arrangement, service head, meter tails, isolator, and metering equipment.
  • Carry out Electrical Mains Test and Inspection Report. Include all boards in-house, annexes, earthing arrangement, supply details, external tests, overcurrent protection supply device, main switch or circuit breaker, conductor, and fault protection.
6. Certificate of Motor Insurance
  • Needs to be renewed yearly.
7. Lift Service Certificate and Reports
  • Needs to be renewed 6 monthly (for example Orona company).
  • Require statutory inspection – better to get a statutory inspection contract subscription (For example Broker Redstone insurance)
8. LOLER certificate
  • Slings and hoists inspection reports (For example Fairfield Care Products Company).
  • Needs to be renewed 6 monthly.
9. Domestic Washing Machine and Tumble Dryer 
  • Keep a record of service done on the dryer and washing machine. Moreover, a record of the parts replacement.
  •  The company that does service needs to give a Gas Safety Certificate and Equipment Safety Report. (For example JLA company)
10. Controlled Waste Transfer Note (under Duty of Care)
  • Use a registered company which undertakes to dispose of the waste described above or transfer it to the holder of a waste management licence appropriate to the waste description per our “duty of care” under the “Environmental Protection Act 1990”
  • For example, Direct 365 Online Limited can help with this. There is a care home which uses 52 services in 1 year with this company and has 2 bins.

Always remember when you are writing a report, you need to interpret the results and write down the action required. A report is incomplete without any lessons learned.

Next: What to do if a resident sustains a deep injury on their heel?


Author: Navneet Kaur

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