Hygiene and Control of Infection Policy for Care Home

Hygiene and Control of Infection Policy for Care Home


Hygiene and Control of Infection Policy for Care Home is dedicated to maintaining a clean and safe environment to ensure the health and well-being of our residents, staff, and visitors. This Hygiene and Control of Infection Policy outlines the principles, procedures, and responsibilities that guide our approach to infection prevention and control. Our aim is to create a hygienic and sanitary living space that minimizes the risk of infections, providing the highest standards of care for our residents.

Key Principles:

1. Hand Hygiene:
a. All staff members are required to practice regular hand hygiene, including proper handwashing techniques and the use of hand sanitisers.
b. Hand hygiene stations are strategically located throughout the care home for convenient access.

2. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):4
a. Staff members are trained on the proper use and disposal of PPE, including gloves, masks, gowns, and eye protection.
b. Adequate supplies of PPE are maintained, and staff members are encouraged to use them appropriately, especially in situations where close contact with residents may pose infection risks.

3. Environmental Cleaning:
a. Regular and thorough cleaning of all living and communal spaces is conducted, with a focus on high-touch surfaces.
b. Cleaning products are selected based on their effectiveness in eliminating pathogens, and staff members are trained in their proper use.

4. Waste Management:
a. Proper waste disposal procedures are followed, segregating and disposing of waste in accordance with relevant regulations.
b. Staff members are educated on the correct disposal of clinical waste, including used PPE.

5. Infection Control Training:
a. All staff members receive training on infection prevention and control measures, including recognizing the signs and symptoms of common infections.
b. Regular refresher courses are conducted to ensure that staff members are up-to-date with the latest guidelines and best practices.

Resident Care Practices:

1. Resident Personal Hygiene:
a. Care plans include provisions for residents’ hygiene, taking into consideration their individual needs and preferences.
b. Staff members assist residents with activities of daily living, including bathing, oral care, and toileting, while adhering to infection control protocols.

2. Monitoring and Reporting:
a. Any signs of infection in residents, such as fever, cough, or changes in behaviour, are promptly monitored and reported to the relevant healthcare professionals.
b. Residents are encouraged to report any symptoms or discomfort promptly to the care staff.

Isolation and Quarantine Procedures:

1. Identification of Infections:
a. Staff members are trained to identify potential signs of infection in residents, including respiratory symptoms, skin infections, or gastrointestinal issues.
b. Regular health assessments are conducted to detect early signs of infection.

2. Isolation Protocols:
a. Residents with confirmed or suspected infections are promptly isolated to prevent the spread of illness.
b. Dedicated isolation rooms or areas are designated for residents with infectious conditions.

3. Communication with Healthcare Professionals:
a. Healthcare professionals are informed promptly about any suspected or confirmed infections in residents.
b. Necessary testing, treatment, and follow-up care are coordinated with the guidance of healthcare providers.

Visitor Protocols:

1. Visitor Screening:
a. Visitors are screened for symptoms of illness, recent exposure to infectious diseases, or recent travel to areas with outbreaks.
b. Visitors displaying symptoms or risk factors are discouraged from entering the care home until they are deemed safe.

2. Visitor Hand Hygiene:
a. Hand sanitizing stations are provided at entrances, and visitors are encouraged to practice hand hygiene upon arrival and departure.
b. Visitors may be required to wear PPE depending on the infection control status within the care home.

3. Visitor Education:
a. Visitors receive information on infection control protocols and are educated on the importance of compliance to ensure the safety of residents and staff.
b. Clear signage regarding infection control measures is displayed at entrances and throughout the care home.

Outbreak Management:

1. Early Detection:
a. Staff members are trained to recognize and report clusters of symptoms or an unusual increase in infection-related incidents.
b. Surveillance systems are in place to detect outbreaks early.

2. Response Plan:
a. An outbreak response plan outlines the steps to be taken in the event of an infectious disease outbreak within the care home.
b. The plan includes communication strategies, isolation measures, coordination with healthcare professionals, and any necessary restrictions on activities.

3. Coordination with Healthcare Authorities:
a. The care home maintains open communication with relevant healthcare authorities, such as local public health departments, to coordinate responses during outbreaks.
b. Any recommended testing, contact tracing, and vaccination efforts are actively supported and implemented.

Regular Audits and Reviews:

1. Internal Audits:
a. Regular internal audits are conducted to assess compliance with hygiene and infection control procedures.
b. Findings from audits are used to implement corrective actions and improvements.

2. External Reviews:
a. External reviews by public health agencies or infection control experts may be conducted periodically to ensure compliance with guidelines and regulations.
b. Recommendations from external reviews are promptly addressed.

Staff Training and Professional Development:

1. Ongoing Training:
a. Staff members receive ongoing training in infection control, including updates on new protocols, emerging infectious diseases, and best practices.
b. Training programs are adapted to address the specific needs and challenges faced by the care home.

2. Professional Development:
a. Infection control professionals or consultants may be engaged to provide specialized training and guidance to staff members.
b. Opportunities for staff members to pursue further education and certification in infection control are encouraged.


This Hygiene and Control of Infection Policy reflects our commitment to maintaining a safe and healthy environment within our Residential Care Home. By adhering to these procedures, we aim to minimize the risk of infections and provide the highest standards of care for our residents. Regular training, audits, and reviews contribute to the ongoing effectiveness of our infection control practices, ensuring that we uphold the highest standards of hygiene and safety.

Next: Handling of Deceased Persons Processions for Care Home


Author: Navneet Kaur

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