Medication Audit in a Care Home

Medication Audit in a Care Home

Conducting a medication audit in a care home involves a thorough review of various aspects to ensure the safe and effective management of medications. Here is a checklist of checks to perform during a medication audit:

1. Medication Administration Records (MAR):

– Verify that MAR charts are accurately completed for each resident.
– Check for signatures, dates, and times to ensure proper documentation.

-Dose variable be specific with signature.

2. Medication Storage:

– Inspect the storage areas for medications, ensuring they are secure, appropriately labelled, and stored at the correct temperatures.
– Confirm that medications are not expired, and discard any outdated or unused medications.

3. Staff Training and Competency:

– Ensure that staff members are adequately trained and competent in medication administration.
– Verify that staff training records are up to date.

4. Prescription Orders:

– Review prescription orders to confirm that they are current, accurate, and match the medications administered.
– Check for any changes in medications and ensure corresponding documentation.

5. Dosage Accuracy:

– Double-check that the doses administered match the prescribed amounts.
– Verify calculations and conversions to prevent dosage errors.

6. PRN (As Needed) Medications:

– Need to be renewed monthly.
– Assess the appropriateness of PRN medications and ensure proper documentation of the reasons for administration.
– Check for any patterns of frequent PRN use.

7. Special Medication Handling:

– Doxazin medication can only be administered after a pulse is checked.
– Confirm proper handling of controlled substances and high-risk medications.
– Ensure that protocols for handling and documenting these medications are followed.

8. Resident Involvement:

– Involve residents in their medication management whenever possible.
– Confirm that residents are informed about their medications and understand their purpose.

9. Medication Disposal:

– Review the procedures for the safe disposal of medications, especially expired or discontinued ones.
– Ensure compliance with environmental regulations for disposal.

10. Documentation Audits:

– Conduct a comprehensive audit of medication-related documentation, including incident reports, to identify any trends or areas for improvement.
– Verify that any reported medication incidents have been appropriately addressed.

11. Communication and Handovers:

– Review communication processes, especially during shift changes, to ensure accurate and timely exchange of information about medications.

12. Regular Audits and Reviews:

– Establish a schedule for regular medication audits to maintain ongoing compliance and identify areas for improvement.
– Conduct periodic reviews of medication policies and procedures to align with best practices and regulatory changes.

13. Check the Index and Staff signatures

– Without any fault, errors, or missing page numbers.

-Have Staff Signature sheet

14. Body map 

-Need to be renewed monthly.

15. Medication profiles 

– Need to be updated on 6 monthly basis.

16. Medication timings (8:00,13:00,17:00,21:00) need to be highlighted properly.
17. Parkinson’s medication 

-Parkinson’s medication needs to be administered at a specific time.

18. General Paraffin based risk assessment 

– Upload assessment on PCS.

19. The opening date on the medication box is a must.
20. Abbey Pain Scale assessment must be in place.
21. Paraffin-based medication must be stored separately as it is highly inflammable.
22. Controlled drugs must be audited weekly.

Remember, the specifics of a medication audit may vary based on local regulations and care home policies. Regular training and updates for staff involved in medication management are essential for maintaining a high standard of care.

Next: Essential Reports and Certificates Every Service Provider Needs


Author: Navneet Kaur