Moving and Handling Policy

Moving and Handling Policy


Moving and Handling Policy establishes guidelines and procedures for the safe and effective moving and handling of residents within our care home. The aim is to ensure the well-being of both residents and staff by minimizing the risk of injury during manual handling tasks. This policy adheres to relevant legislative frameworks, including the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 and the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and is designed to promote best practices in the care home setting.

1. Legislative Framework:

1.1 Compliance with Regulations:
a. The care home is committed to complying with the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 and relevant health and safety legislation.
b. Staff will receive training on these regulations to ensure a thorough understanding of their responsibilities.

1.2 Risk Assessment:
a. A comprehensive risk assessment will be conducted for all manual handling tasks.
b. Risk assessments will consider factors such as the resident’s mobility, the nature of the task, and the environment in which the task is performed.

2. Staff Training and Competency:

2.1 Initial Training:
a. All staff involved in moving and handling tasks will undergo comprehensive training.
b. Training will cover safe lifting techniques, proper use of handling aids, and the importance of communication and teamwork.

2.2 Regular Refresher Training:
a. Staff members will receive regular refresher training to reinforce safe handling practices and stay updated on any changes in procedures.
b. Refresher training will be mandatory for all staff at specified intervals.

2.3 Competency Assessment:
a. Staff competency in moving and handling will be assessed regularly.
b. Competency assessments may involve practical demonstrations, written assessments, and direct observation of handling tasks.

3. Risk Assessment and Management:

3.1 Individualized Risk Assessments:
a. Each resident’s mobility and handling needs will be assessed individually.
b. Risk assessments will be documented in the resident’s care plan, and information will be regularly reviewed and updated.

3.2 Task-Specific Assessments:
a. Risk assessments will be specific to the type of manual handling task.
b. Consideration will be given to factors such as the weight of the resident, the complexity of the task, and the need for additional equipment or assistance.

3.3 Use of Handling Aids:
a. Handling aids, such as hoists and slide sheets, will be used whenever possible to minimize manual handling risks.
b. Staff will be trained on the correct use and maintenance of handling aids.

4. Teamwork and Communication:

4.1 Collaborative Approach:
a. Moving and handling tasks will be approached as a collaborative effort among care home staff.
b. Effective communication will be emphasized to ensure that all team members are aware of the plan and can work together safely.

4.2 Handover Communication:
a. During shift handovers, staff will communicate any changes in residents’ mobility or handling requirements.
b. Handover communication is crucial for maintaining continuity of care and ensuring that all staff are informed about residents’ specific needs.

5. Resident-Centered Approach:

5.1 Resident Involvement:
a. Residents will be involved in discussions about their moving and handling needs to the extent that is appropriate and comfortable for them.
b. Individual preferences and choices will be respected whenever possible.

5.2 Dignity and Privacy:
a. Moving and handling tasks will be carried out with the utmost respect for the dignity and privacy of the resident.
b. Staff will ensure that residents are appropriately dressed and covered during handling procedures.

6. Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

6.1 PPE Compliance:
a. Staff will wear appropriate PPE, such as gloves and aprons, during moving and handling tasks as required.
b. The use of PPE is essential to prevent the spread of infections and protect both staff and residents.

6.2 Availability and Maintenance:
a. Adequate supplies of PPE will be available in designated areas.
b. Regular checks and maintenance will be conducted to ensure the effectiveness and availability of PPE.

7. Environmental Considerations:

7.1 Adequate Space:
a. Moving and handling tasks will be performed in areas with sufficient space to manoeuvre safely.
b. Clear pathways and unobstructed spaces will be maintained to facilitate smooth handling procedures.

7.2 Equipment Accessibility:
a. Handling aids and equipment will be stored in accessible locations to minimize delays during emergencies.
b. Staff will be trained on the efficient use and storage of handling equipment.

8. Reporting and Review:

8.1 Incident Reporting:
a. Any incidents, near misses, or concerns related to moving and handling will be promptly reported.
b. Incident reports will be thoroughly investigated, and corrective actions will be implemented to prevent recurrence.

8.2 Regular Reviews:
a. The moving and handling policy will be subject to regular reviews to ensure its continued effectiveness.
b. Staff feedback and incident reports will contribute to the ongoing improvement of procedures.

9. Collaborative Approach with Healthcare Professionals:

9.1 Involvement of Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists:
a. Physiotherapists and occupational therapists will be involved in the assessment and planning of moving and handling tasks.
b. Their expertise will contribute to tailoring handling procedures to the individual needs of residents.

10. Emergency Procedures:

10.1 Emergency Preparedness:
a. Staff will be trained on emergency procedures related to moving and handling tasks.
b. Emergency evacuation plans will consider the specific needs of residents with mobility challenges.


This Moving and Handling Policy for the care home establishes a framework for the safe and effective handling of residents. By prioritizing staff training, individualized risk assessments, and a resident-centered approach, the care home aims to minimize the risk of injury and promote the well-being of both residents and staff. Regular reviews, incident reporting, and collaboration with healthcare professionals contribute to the continuous improvement of moving and handling procedures within the care home setting.

Next :Mental Capacity Act 2005 Procedure


Author: Navneet Kaur

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