Patient and Carer Briefing for Care Home

Patient and Carer Briefing for Care Home


Welcome to our care home community! We understand that the decision to move into a care home is a significant step, and we are dedicated to providing you with the best possible care and support. This briefing is designed to help both residents and their carers navigate the transition, understand our care philosophy, and familiarize themselves with the various aspects of life in our care home.

Our Care Philosophy:

At [Care Home Name], our primary goal is to create a warm, safe, and supportive environment where residents can thrive. We are committed to providing person-centred care that respects individual preferences, promotes dignity, and enhances the overall well-being of each resident.

1. Person-Centered Care:
– We tailor our care plans to meet the unique needs and preferences of each resident.
– Regular care assessments ensure that our approach evolves with changing needs, promoting a holistic and personalized care experience.

2. Dignity and Respect:
– We uphold the dignity and respect of every resident, fostering an atmosphere of kindness, compassion, and understanding.
– Our team is dedicated to creating a positive and inclusive community where everyone feels valued and heard.

3. Quality of Life:
– We prioritize activities and programs contributing to residents’ physical, emotional, and social well-being.
– Regular social events, recreational activities, and engagement opportunities are organized to enhance the overall quality of life within our care home.

Residential Life:

1. Accommodation:
– Residents will have a comfortable and personalized living space. We encourage personalizing your room with familiar items to create a homely atmosphere.
– Our team is available to assist with any adjustments or additional amenities you may require.

2. Daily Schedule:
– A structured daily schedule ensures a sense of routine and predictability.
– Activities are designed to cater to various interests and abilities, providing a range of options for residents to engage in meaningful and enjoyable experiences.

3. Meals and Nutrition:
– Our care home provides well-balanced and nutritious meals prepared by our experienced culinary team.
– Dietary preferences, restrictions, and specific nutritional needs are considered in meal planning.

Health and Well-being:

1. Health Monitoring:
– Regular health assessments will be conducted to monitor and address any changes in your health status.
– Our healthcare team is available to discuss any health concerns, medication management, or adjustments to your care plan.

2. Personal Care and Support:
– Our trained care staff is available to assist with personal care needs, including bathing, dressing, and grooming.
– We encourage open communication to ensure that your care plan aligns with your preferences and requirements.

3. Medical Services:
– Our care home coordinates with healthcare professionals to provide on-site medical services.
– Regular check-ups and consultations can be arranged to address specific medical needs.

Communication and Involvement:

1. Family and Carer Involvement:
– We value the involvement of family members and carers in the resident’s care.
– Regular updates and family meetings will be organized to discuss care plans, address concerns, and ensure a collaborative approach to resident well-being.

2. Open Communication:
– Communication channels are open for residents, family members, and carers to discuss any questions, concerns, or feedback.
– Our team is committed to ensuring transparent and timely communication about all aspects of care and residential life.

Safety and Security:

1. Safety Protocols:
– Our care home is equipped with safety measures to ensure the well-being of all residents.
– Emergency procedures are in place, and staff are trained to respond effectively to various situations.

2. Security Measures:
– We have security measures in place to ensure the safety of residents and their belongings.
– Residents are encouraged to notify staff of any security concerns or incidents.

Transition Support:

1. Adjustment Period:
– Moving to a care home is a significant transition, and we recognize that it may take time to adjust.
– Our team is here to provide support, answer questions, and offer guidance throughout the adjustment period.

2. Social Integration:
– We encourage residents to participate in social activities to meet fellow residents and build a sense of community.
– Volunteers and staff are available to facilitate social interactions and engagement.

Feedback and Improvement:

1. Feedback Mechanism:
– Your feedback is valuable in helping us continually improve our services.
– We encourage open communication to address any concerns, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

2. Quality Assurance:
– Regular quality assurance reviews are conducted to assess and enhance the quality of care and services provided.
– We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of care and welcome your input in this process.


Welcome to the [Care Home Name] community! We are honoured to be a part of your care journey and are dedicated to ensuring that your time with us is filled with comfort, support, and meaningful experiences. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team. Together, we will create a positive and enriching environment for all residents and their carers.


This briefing has been reviewed and approved by [Management/Board of Directors] on [Date].

Next: Patient Safety Alert for Care Home


Author: Navneet Kaur

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