Policy on the Presence of Animals in the Care Home

Policy on the Presence of Animals


Policy on the Presence of Animals outlines guidelines and procedures for the presence of animals within the care home setting. Recognizing the potential benefits of animal interaction for residents’ well-being, this policy emphasizes responsible and safe practices to ensure the positive integration of animals into the care home environment. The goal is to create a nurturing and therapeutic atmosphere while prioritizing the safety, health, and comfort of residents, staff, and the animals involved.

1. Purpose and Scope:

1.1 Purpose:
a. The presence of animals in the care home is intended to enhance residents’ quality of life, providing therapeutic and emotional support.
b. This policy aims to establish standards for the responsible integration, management, and care of animals within the care home.1.2 Scope:
a. This policy applies to all areas of the care home where animals may be present, including common areas, resident rooms, and outdoor spaces.
b. It encompasses both therapy animals specifically trained for interaction with residents and personal pets belonging to residents or staff.

2. Types of Animals Allowed:

2.1 Therapy Animals:
a. Therapy animals, which may include trained dogs, cats, or other species, may be allowed with proper documentation and certification.
b. Therapy animals must meet specific health, behaviour, and training standards to ensure their suitability for interaction with residents.

2.2 Personal Pets:
a. Residents may be allowed to bring personal pets into the care home, subject to individual assessments and compliance with established guidelines.
b. Personal pets must be well-behaved, vaccinated, and pose no risk to the safety and well-being of residents, staff, or other animals.

3. Animal-Assisted Activities and Therapy:

3.1 Trained Handlers:
a. Therapy animals must be accompanied by trained handlers who are familiar with the care home environment and capable of managing the animal appropriately.
b. Handlers will ensure that the therapy animal’s interactions with residents are safe, positive, and in accordance with the care home’s guidelines.

3.2 Scheduled Sessions:
a. Animal-assisted activities and therapy sessions will be scheduled to ensure that residents who wish to participate have the opportunity.
b. Sessions will be conducted in designated areas, and residents will be informed in advance to allow them to prepare or opt-out if they choose.

4. Risk Assessment and Health Checks:

4.1 Risk Assessment:
a. A risk assessment will be conducted for therapy animals and personal pets to identify any potential risks to residents, staff, or the animals themselves.
b. Assessments will consider factors such as allergies, behaviour, and potentially zoonotic diseases.

4.2 Health Checks:
a. All animals entering the care home, whether for therapy or as personal pets, must undergo regular health checks, including vaccinations, to ensure they pose no health risks.
b. Records of health checks and vaccinations will be maintained and updated as required.

5. Residents’ Preferences and Allergies:

5.1 Resident Preferences:
a. Residents will have the opportunity to express their preferences regarding the presence of animals in the care home.
b. Individual preferences, including those related to specific types of animals or potential concerns, will be respected.

5.2 Allergy Awareness:
a. Residents and staff will be informed of the presence of animals in designated areas to accommodate residents with allergies or sensitivities.
b. Measures will be in place to minimize exposure and address any allergy-related concerns promptly.

6. Animal Behavior Guidelines:

6.1 Behavioral Standards:
a. Therapy animals and personal pets must exhibit calm and predictable behaviour while in the care home.
b. Aggressive or disruptive behaviour by animals will not be tolerated, and measures will be taken to address and mitigate such behaviour.

6.2 Supervision:
a. Animals will be under the direct supervision of their handlers or owners at all times.
b. Unsupervised interaction between animals and residents or staff is prohibited to ensure safety and prevent potential incidents.

7. Environmental Considerations:

7.1 Hygiene and Cleanliness:
a. Hygiene standards will be maintained to ensure that the care home environment remains clean and sanitary in the presence of animals.
b. Cleaning and waste disposal procedures will be established and followed to prevent the spread of contaminants.

7.2 Designated Areas:
a. Designated areas for animal interactions will be established to manage and control the presence of animals within the care home.
b. Outdoor spaces and communal areas may be designated for specific types of animals, ensuring a balance between residents’ preferences and safety.

8. Resident Responsibility for Personal Pets:

8.1 Pet Care Responsibilities:
a. Residents bringing personal pets into the care home are responsible for their pets’ care, including feeding, grooming, and veterinary needs.
b. Residents will adhere to care home guidelines regarding the responsible ownership of pets.

8.2 Pet Behavior and Control:
a. Residents must ensure that their pets are well-behaved and under control at all times.
b. Any disruptive behaviour by personal pets may result in restrictions on their presence within the care home.

9. Staff Training and Awareness:

9.1 Training on Animal Interaction:
a. Staff members will receive training on interacting with therapy animals, recognizing behavioural cues, and addressing potential concerns.
b. Training will also include awareness of residents’ preferences and the benefits of animal-assisted activities.

9.2 Allergy Awareness Training:
a. Staff will receive training on recognizing and responding to allergies related to animals.
b. Awareness programs will emphasize the importance of promptly addressing allergy-related concerns raised by residents or staff.

10. Documentation and Records:

10.1 Animal Records:
a. Records for therapy animals, including certifications

, health checks, and training documentation, will be maintained and updated regularly.
b. Records for personal pets will include vaccination records, behavioral assessments, and any required permits.

10.2 Incident Reports:
a. Incidents related to the presence of animals, including disruptive behavior or allergic reactions, will be documented in incident reports.
b. Incident reports will be used to assess the need for adjustments to policies and procedures.

11. Regular Review and Evaluation:

11.1 Periodic Assessments:
a. Periodic assessments of the impact of animal presence on residents’ well-being will be conducted.
b. Resident feedback, staff observations, and incident reports will be considered in the review process.

11.2 Adjustment of Policies:
a. Policies and procedures related to the presence of animals will be adjusted based on periodic assessments, emerging best practices, and resident feedback.
b. The care home remains committed to continuous improvement in providing a supportive and safe environment for residents.

12. Legal Compliance:

12.1 Adherence to Legislation:
a. The care home will operate in full compliance with relevant legislation concerning the presence of animals in healthcare settings.
b. Regular reviews will ensure ongoing adherence to legal requirements.

12.2 Liability and Insurance:
a. The care home will maintain appropriate liability insurance to cover potential risks associated with the presence of animals.
b. Residents with personal pets will be required to provide proof of liability insurance coverage.

13. Conclusion:

This Presence of Animals Policy aims to promote the well-being of residents by responsibly integrating animals into the care home environment. By establishing clear guidelines for therapy animals and personal pets, the care home seeks to provide residents with opportunities for companionship, comfort, and therapeutic benefits. Regular reviews, resident feedback, and staff training contribute to a supportive and safe environment that recognizes and respects the individual preferences and needs of residents while upholding legal standards and ethical considerations.

Next: Planning and Providing Transport for Resident Community Visit Policy


Author: Navneet Kaur

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