Standard 1: Understanding your role Answers

Care Certificate Standard 1 teaches us what to expect from our role as social care workers or care assistants. What to expect from a day working as a care assistant or senior care and whom we will be dealing with.

Please read and learn , do not copy .

Your answer can be completely different than mine. There is no ONE answer in Care Certificate.

Activity 1.1a Answer

In MH, I have been selected for position of Senior Carer . My main duty as a carer is to work in a person-centered way and communicate well with my colleagues and residents. I have to ensure that my actions promote equality and diversity and build smooth and good relationship with multidisciplinary team (MDT). Furthermore, I am expected to fill clear records regarding residents without any discrimination and any concerns must be raised to shift leader or manager immediately. I have to sign data confidentiality contract under GDPR which states I can not share any personal information regarding residents and staff to third party. This contract also demands that any trade secrets must not be disclose to outsiders.

I am expected to assist the resident with showering, grooming and getting dressed, household tasks and laundry, preparing and serving meals at correct time. Moreover, I have to administer medications as shift leader of the unit if allocated and also provide time to time emotional support to residents.

Besides this , I have to make sure the resident’s I am keyworker of, have their documentation updated on time. Every monthly care plans needs to be updated , and weigh needs to be checked .Apart from this , I am also expected to do new cycle medication preparation which includes checking the medicines and creating new files for my unit 1.

Activity 1.1b Answer

Care Certificate and Code of Conduct Standards include:

  • I have to be accountable by making sure I can answer for my actions or omissions.
  • I have to promote and uphold the privacy, dignity, rights, health and well being of people who use health and care services and their carers at all times.
  • I must work in collaboration with my colleagues to ensure the delivery of high quality, safe and compassionate healthcare, care and support.
  • I am expected to communicate in an open, and effective way to promote the health, safety and wellbeing of people who use health and care services and their carers.
  • I must respect a person’s right and follow GDPR guidelines.
  • I must strive to improve the quality of healthcare, care and support through continuing professional development.
  • I must uphold and promote equality, diversity and inclusion.

Activity 1.1d Answers

A positive experience: Before working as carer , I was working in retail business as sales assistant , my experience during that time have deeply influence the way I am working in Merrifield House.My manager AR was really good mentor who taught me that one needs to work hard . For instance , there been time where me and my manger have handled sales season alone as the shop floor was packed with customers. We used to work effectively and happily for straight 8 hours without any breaks . Lesson learned that nothing is better than hard work and when work is done effectively and with full heart , it is a blessing.

Negative experience and lesson learned from previous job: We meet different people every day and some leaves us with beautiful memories, but others teach us something we were not aware of. Few times, I have faced some rude behavior from customers while working in retailing. My ultimate skill to tackle this kind of customers is by staying calm and listening to their problem. we listen their anger subsides and then we can suggest some solutions to amend the problem. This skill I believe is extremely important because customer is the king, and we need to make sure their expectations are fulfilled with our best efforts.

My positive attitude: I am very confident and honest individual, who can tell when I do not understand something. I am goal chaser; give me task and I will get it done no matter what it takes. I like to give my all to my job and always maintain accountability with the top management. I am not scared of difficult tasks. Either I succeed or I learn from my days.

My personal beliefs: I believe everyone is equal and must be treated fairly. If I see any discrimination, I will always raise concern. Moving on, I belief that one can achieve anything with hard work and determination.

Activity 1.2a Answers

Health and safety: The Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 sets out my rights and responsibilities in the workplace. I have the right: to work in an environment that is safe, to be provided, free of charge, with the equipment that I need to keep me safe at work. With those rights come responsibilities. My employer will set down policies and procedures or tell me about the agreed ways to work in ways that are safe for me, those I work with and the people I support. I must work in the ways that I am told by my employer. If I have concerns about safety in my workplace I must talk to my manager.

Confidentiality: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016 restricts how personal and sensitive information can be used, stored and passed on. Personal details must not be passed on unless the person gives their permission. Crae homes are instructed and legally required to follow GDPR and complete their GDPR audit.

Working Time: The law states that I do not usually have to work more than 48 hours per week, although I may choose to do so. Exactly when I work will depend on my contract.

Pay and wages: The Equality Act 2010 gives all people in the UK the right to be treated fairly and afforded equality of opportunity. This means that people must be paid ‘equal pay for equal work’ regardless of ‘protected characteristics or differences. The amount that my employer pays me for my work must meet the National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage.

Activity 1.2b Answers

Aims Objectives Values
 MH main aim is to provide a ‘home away from home’ to its residents and provide safe environment its staff members. MH main objective is to make sure its service users are able to live comfortable life and can get the feeling of home in the organization premises.



In MH , staff are encouraged to treat its residents with care and compassion. Think like the resident’s are our grandpas and grandmas.

 Activity 1.2c Answers

In MH , we have ‘open door policy’ which means anyone can come and talk to the management team at any time if they have any concerns or feel unsafe . This could be considered as the whistle-blowing policy and procedure which helps the employees to raise their opinions without any fear of judgement. This agreed way of working is also a legal requirement for all care homes monitored by CQC . I feel pride and extremely satisfied for MH to have this policy.

Activity 1.2e and 1.3f Answers

Part I)

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Yes
  4. Yes
  5. Yes
  6. No
  7. Yes

Part ii)

In MH , we have ‘open door policy’ which means anyone can come and talk to the management team at any time if they have any concerns or feel unsafe . This could be considered as the whistle-blowing policy and procedure which helps the employees to raise their opinions without any fear of judgement. This agreed way of working is also a legal requirement for all care homes monitored by CQC . I feel pride and extremely satisfied for MH to have this policy.

However , if the management team seems irresponsible , I can report to safeguarding team , CQC or the police depending on the kind of violation and degree of damage to the service.

Activity 1.3a Answers

  1. I have to make sure all the service users are protected from abuse and unfair treatment.
  2. I have duty to promote equality and individual independence for the people I care.
  3. I have to make sure the care plans are followed diligently and the service users’ needs are met.
  4. I have to promote diversity and ensure the service users are treated with dignity and respect at all times.


Activity 1.3b Answers

A working relationship is a formal relationship where the organization goal and objectives needs to be followed thoroughly by its staff. The targets needs to achieved and managed on timely basis and any concerns needs to be addressed at earliest. Personal matters are not to be discussed during working hours.

Example : A relationship between care home staff with each other , its service users , with paramedics team , police , district nurse , chiropodist, GP, doctors, advocates, families, and many more.

A personal relationship is a informal and mutual relationship between the individual and its close ones I.e., family and friends. In this relationship , personal matters can be discussed and no legislation or law regulates.

Example :  A relationship between siblings , partner, parent, family friends , relatives and many more.

Activity 1.4a and b Answers

  1. In partnership with other workers: My role will involve me working with many people who have a variety of roles. This is known as ‘partnership working’. Developing good relationships will help to improve the quality of care provided. The main working relationships in health and social care can be categorized in four ways: individuals and their friends and family, your colleagues and managers , people from other workplaces, including advocates , volunteers and community groups. All working relationships should involve mutual respect and should value other people’s skills and knowledge with a focus on working together in the best interests of the individual receiving care and support. The importance of people working together should not be underestimated as serious case reviews, which are the reviews carried out when a vulnerable adult dies or comes to significant harm, often identify failings in partnership working as being a key factor in what went wrong.
Author: Navneet Kaur