Standard 10 : Safeguarding Adults Answers

Care Certificate Standard 10 Safeguarding Adults teaches us how to balance a healthy lifestyle and promote adults’ well-being.

Please read and learn, do not copy.

Your answer can be completely different from mine. There is no ONE answer in Care Certificate.

Activity 10.1a & b


Working together to prevent the risk and abuse on adults. Safeguarding helps to balance a healthy lifestyle and promote adults well being.


Besides this, safeguarding adults helps to make sure individuals’ wishes and views are not neglected.


Safeguarding adults come under the Care Act 2014.Every person dealing with adults care have their own set of role and responsibilities.

As a carer , it is my duty to make sure that my residents are safe at all time and should meet the care quality commission standards.


My actions or mistake does not cause harm to an individual’s health or well being.


I must never neglect my service users needs nor exploit in any sense.

Activity 10.1 c & g answers

Physical abuse on the resident’s body. Possible indicators such as broken bones, bruises, bite or burn.
Domestic violence covers any rude behavior, violence or abuse between the family members. Signs can be of any kind from psychological , physical, sexual, financial or emotional.
Modern slavery incorporates human trafficking and forced labor. Modern slavery force the individual into inhumane treatment. Signs  include malnourished , rarely interacting with others, scared or frightened in normal situations.
Financial abuse using the individuals funds or property without their knowledge. Includes the sale of property and disappearance of money, outstanding expenses and not having enough food or clothes.
Sexual abuse when the individual’s permission is not seek in intimate relation. This include rape, sexual harassment or indecent touching. Possible indicator such as bloodstain under wear, pain, bruise or discomfort around private areas.
Neglect means the failure to act in favor  of the individual’s basic need such as not providing access to health care on time. This include malnourished, dehydration, wrong medication and dirty clothes.
Self-neglect person’s inability to take care of themselves. Includes same signs like neglect plus bedsores.
Organization abuse when the care home is more concerned about their profit or business rather than the needs of an individual. Signs are poor care standards , and rigid routines.
Psychological abuse means the individual feel worthless, unloving or not cared for. Signs of psychological abuse include lack of confidence, disturbed sleep and low self esteem.
Discriminatory abuse means discrimination on the basis of gender ,age, sexuality or any behavior against Equality Act 2010. Excluding people from particular race to take part in the activities.


Activity 10.1 d answer

The term harm means someone whose needs for care and support is neglected and is injured physically or mentally.

Some examples of harm includes hitting, slapping, pushing, locking someone in a room or not offering food to the individual.

Remember, harm does not just include physical injury but often times include the emotional or financial abuse.

Activity 10.1 e & h answer

 Part I)

These individuals are more prone to abuse and neglect because they can not look after themselves due to mobility impairment, mental illness or some other reasons. This means that the individual are at greater risk of being taken advantage of by others.

Due to this health care sector is extremely concerned about the well being of this individuals.

Activity 10.1 e & h answer

Part ii)

Abuse or harm can easily happen behind the closed door, away from world’s eyes.
Organizational abuse can happen where the care home is more focused on their profits rather than individual’s or resident’s needs. In this case, the staff is poorly trained and organization have poor routine and care standards.
In UK, the rate dementia is high , thus the likelihood of mental health abuse is high as the person can easily forget any abuse encounters.
Sometimes, an individual can not express the concerns or report the abuse.


Activity 10.1 f answer


The actions that can impose restriction on individual’s movement and questions their freedom. It includes use of device, medication or isolating.


Restrictive practice must be used legally and where legally ad where it is justifiable.

The individual can cause serious harm to themselves or people around them.


For instance, if an individual is not sleeping 24 hours then GP can be contacted to prescribe some sleeping drugs to help the person to sleep.


Other example can be putting bed rails, some individual can easily roll out of bed, in this cases bed rail can stop this from happening.

 Activity 10.1 I Answer

  1. Poor care standards.
  2. A failure to identify signs of abuse.
  3. Lack of staff learning and development support.
  4. Lack of safeguarding policies and whistle-blowing in an organization.
  5. Lack of proper management people in an organization.
  6. Individual receiving the care are not involved in decision making about the care they receive.


Activity 10.1 K Answer

My Manager : Our home manger at MH, is quite competent and knowledgeable. Thus, she will be my first point of contact for any questions or concerns. Regarding safeguarding individuals and preventing abuse or neglect. Care Quality Commission : CQC is an independent regulator which gives guidance on government policies and tells how to prevent or report abuse at workplace. Carers Direct helpline : Apart from , a carer helpline 0300 123 1053 is available all week to give advice on role and responsibilities in safeguarding individual and preventing abuse. Internet : I believe internet is useful source of information and good websites can help to train the staff.


Activity 10.2 a Answer



Is an environment where the communication between residents and worker is always open. Nothing is hidden. The resident is supported to be as independent as possible to reduce their dependency on others.

The relationship between resident, resident’s family and staff is based on trust. Besides this, residents take their own decisions.


Where the restrictive approach take place and the residents are not allowed to make their risk enablement decisions due to their mental illness. The staff is poorly trained and lack the development opportunities.


The resident’s suffer from malnutrition, dehydration and drug abuse.



Activity 10.2 b and c Answer


Person-centered care and support helps to work together as team with the individual to plan their care and support.


This approach helps to reduce any unfair treatment and make sure the individual is treated with respect and dignity.


Active participation is an agreed ways of working between the individual and organization. An individual can make their daily decisions independently and can spend the day however they like.


As carer, it is my duty that my client have right equipment that they need to walk, eat or drink.

A phrase “no decision about me, without me” is an ideal that encourage person-led approach. Where a person is an active partner is an active partner in his care.


Besides this ,an individual can refuse anything that they do not want to happen. As a carer, it is my duty to respect their choices and rights.



Activity 10.2 d Answer


Whenever I have any concerns that harm or abuse took place, I will immediately report to my home manager who can report the details o our MH’s safeguarding lead. The safeguarding lead will gather the facts about the incident and perform an investigation. This SAB (safeguarding adults board) assure that criteria is met as written in the Care Act 2014.


Our local safeguarding board has the major responsibility to decide what to do next and whether to involve official social service.


Activity 10.2 e Answer


Risk enablement is a perfect way to empower the individual to make their own life decisions. As a staff it is our duty to make sure that individual is fully aware about potential benefit as well as potential harm. Despite the risk involved if they take decision then as staff I am asked to give them right equipment and way of calling for help. This being in control helps the individual’s self -confidence.


When their confidence grows, the individual is likely to share their unhappy thoughts with staff. This result in less  risk of abuse and neglect.


Activity 10.2 f Answer


It is extremely important that individual can easily complain against poor standards of care. The individual must be aware about organization’s complaint procedure. The procedure must be user friendly, so that everyone can raise their concerns. And the complaint must be dealt seriously and independently from bias opinion.


The individual should be reassured that they get involved in the process and their concerns will be resolved in the outcome. An open and honest culture can help to solve the concern before any harm can happen.


NOTE : The most important thing is to make sure their voice is heard as this helps to put an individual in person-centered way.


Activity 10.3 a Answer


In MH , we have ‘open door policy’ which means if we suspect abuse or neglect taking place we can easily inform to our home manager. If the home manager is not available, we can reach out to our assistant manager or the owner of our home.


Our management team are quite approachable and anyone can raise their concerns. Besides this , we also have whistle-blowing practice in place, so that we are not afraid of our name exposing.


But if I feel my concerns are not properly met and  registered, I will seek support from someone outside registered, I will seek support from someone outside my organization such as CQC (Care Quality Commission). In other cases, I can also reach out to the local police.


Activity 10.4 a Answer


  1. The Care Act 2014.
  2. The Mental Capacity Act 2005.
  3. The human Rights Act 1998.
  4. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016.
  5. The Equality Act 2010.
  6. Organization (employer)’s policies and procedures.
  7. Local authority’s safeguarding policy and procedure.
  8. PHE (Public Health England) under Department of Health and Social Care.


Activity 10.4 b Answer


It is important to share information with relevant key people and agencies on a ‘need-to-know’ basis when safeguarding adults.

And the information shared is good and factual. The record keeping of an organization must include all the relevant information and up-to-date knowledge about the individual. For instance, the recent allergies, new found bruises or updated body map.


Having updated information is very crucial for an individual’s safety and well-being.


Activity 10.4 c Answer


If I feel my report or complaint against the suspected abuse is not being taken seriously then I will raise my voice to our safeguarding lead who can investigate the matter for me and can also question why the delay was caused in the first place.


If my concerns were not dealt properly, I will seek help from someone outside my organization such as the Care Quality Commission (CQC). CQC can investigate the matter thoroughly for me.

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Author: Navneet Kaur

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