Standard 13: Health and Safety Answers Part 1

Care certificate Standard 13 heath and safety teaches us to how to keep equipment safe and how to dispose of waste in the care home.

Please read and learn, do not copy.

Your answer can be completely different from mine. There is no ONE answer in Care Certificate.

Activity 13.1 a Answer

  1. Health and safety at work etc act (1974): tells how employers, employees can work in a safe way.
  2. RIDDOR (Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations 2013) : Reporting any incidents or accidents is must in workplace.
  3. The Management of Health and Safety at work regulations 1999 : tells how to manage health and safety at workplace. This includes training and risk assessment.
  4. COSHH (Control of substances hazardous to health regulations 2002) : helps to protect people from harmful substance.
  5. The Lifting operations and lifting equipment Regulations 1998(LOLER) : Sets  standard for work equipment for lifting people.

Activity 13.1 b Answer

Incident reporting procedure : At MH, we are required to fill incident form which is treated as ‘main evidence’ of any event and we are asked to call our manager for further guidance on the matters. If serious matter happens, our management inform to health and safety authorities.
Mandatory training for staff every 6 months: The new employees are provided with mandatory training for the well-being of the residents. And even after that every 6 months the training is revisited.
General and clinical waste disposal policy: In MH, we are asked to put clinical pads in yellow bags and soiled clothes in red bags. The general waste in black bag and food waste in white bag. All staff must follow this procedure in MH.
Handling soiled linen at workplace: In MH, the soiled linen is put in red bags, which is later washed in the washing machine alone to prevent infection.

Activity 13.1 c answer

Self Employer Others
I am responsible to take care of myself and others at my workplace.


I am asked to act in a way that does not cause any accidents or put anyone at risk.


If something, happens I am accountable to my manager,my colleague,to CQC as well . My actions must be according to different needs of service users.

My employer has several legal responsibilities towards making sure the staff and service users are safe at all times.


For instance, all the hoists needs to get checked regularly to update the working condition of machinery.


Besides this, the use of sensor mat, and bed rails to ensure the resident are safe in the sleep.


Apart from this. Employer need to make sure the staff is trained well.

Health and safety is everyone’s responsibility and one must act respectfully in the premises.


If one ses hazard, then report immediately to the home manager or senior so that they can take action to prevent any possible risk.

Activity 13.1 d Answer

  1. Using people lifting machinery at workplace such as hoists require special training.
  2. Manual handling such as use of sliding sheets or sliding board require proper training. Never handle or assist in individual without proper training.
  3. Providing first aid to someone who has been injured can be performed by trained first aider, If you do not know what to do,call ambulance.
  4. The person who is administering the medication needs to trained. Please do not take impulsive decision with medications.
  5. Trained chefs should prepare food for service users. If you do not have proper qualification, then complete training and execute it.
  6. Special training is required for emergency and evacuation procedures. Example : staff need to be trained how to act during  the outbreak of fire.

Activity 13.1 e Answer

My manager Easily speaking to them, emailing to official mail or via text. My manager can clear my doubt or concerns related to health and safety. Getting access to official guidance related to health and safety regulations.
Workplace’s policies and procedures Directly asking my seniors, manager or designated health and safety person to show the official documentation for policy and procedures. Getting real and approved knowledge related to our workplace’s policies (Such as health and safety posters, leaflets).
HSE website (Health and safety executive) Searching online or emailing HSE with my concern. Telling me what  is right course of action.

Activity 13.1 f , 13.4 a and b Answer

Part I)

  1. Witnessed or un-witnessed slips or trips.
  2. Fall.
  3. Skin tear or cut- broken skin from fraction or fall.
  4. Accidental poisoning : Given allergic substance to the resident.
  5. Injury from lifting machinery such as hoists.
  6. Bleeding from recent surgery : requires immediate help from district nurse or call 999.
  7. Stroke or heart attack.
  8. Epileptic seizure.
  9. Sudden fainting.

Activity 13.1 f , 13.4a and b Answer

Part ii)


1. One of the resident self-medicating overdoses on medication. Contact registered GP immediately or call NHS direct helpline for advice. Besides this, I will inform my manager, complete incident form and later report to RIDDOR. 1.Resident choking on food. Tell the individual to cough to clear the blockage. If the resident can not , I will slap their and perform abdominal thrusts. If the resident lost conscious I will perform basic life support and report it to my manager.
2. Resident accessed stair case and fell down. I would ask my nursing staff help the resident,if needed call 111 for assistance. Following this, I will inform my manager, complete incident form and report to RIDDOR. 2.Resident having epileptic seizure. Make sure the resident does not harm themselves or others around. After the seizure passed, I will record it, inform my manager. My manager can consult to doctor and report the sudden seizure.
3. Resident is not stable on the feet and fainted on the floor. Ask the resident to sit if they can or put in recovery position check vitals signs. Inform the manager, document the accident. Call 111 for assistance if reason is unknown. 3.Sudden weakness and change in breathing pattern. Contact immediately to 999 and inform the manager. Check vitals sign,inform resident’s family. Make sure resident’s safe till paramedics arrive.

Activity 13.2 a Answer

Example 1 Answer

It is important to do risk assessment when moving an individual using hoist or wheelchair. As not doing so, can lead to injury or discomfort. The reason could be lack of trained staff or not following standard procedure. Thus, doing assessment before performing any task is mandatory and can reduce the likelihood of risk.

Example 2 Answer

When providing personal care to an resident , it is must to wear PPE and make sure the resident is safe and treated with utmost respect and privacy. If proper care is not done then there is risk of injury, abuse or possibility of infection.

Example 3 Answer

When dealing with soiled bed linen, PPE must be worn. The bed must be disinfected before spreading new bed sheet. Besides this, the soiled bed linen must be taken to laundry in red bag and washed separately from other laundry.

Activity 13.2 b Answer

If I see any possible health and safety hazard, then I will remove it (if possible) to keep everyone safe. If I can not remove myself then I will take help from my colleague or manager.

For instance, If I saw the floor is wet but there is no ‘caution’ or ‘wet floor’ sign placed then I will placed the sign and dry the floor with dried mop to reduce the likelihood of resident falling. Later, I will report this incident to my manager so that an official meeting with other staff member can train the staff about health and safety risk. And how to prevent it from happening.

Activity 13.2 a Answer

  1. B
  2. A
  3. C

Activity 13.3 b Answer

  1. Transferring the resident from a bed to chair or wheelchair to toilet seat.
  2. Using lifting equipment such as ‘standing hoist’ or ‘double hoist’ require properly trained staff.
  3. Giving an individual bed bath because they are too weak  to be moved from one place to another. Specially during ‘end-of-life’  stage, need trained and competent staff.

Activity 13.4 c Answer

Include abdominal thrust (for choking situation), CPR (for resident who stopped breathing and does not have DNACPR in place), applying dressing on small skin tear or cuts. I can do this because I received training in doing so but If I did not receive any training, I must not attempt emergency first aid, and ask for immediate help for the resident. Include attempt first aid without training, diagnosis , or treatment.


My duty is to keep the resident safe and comfortable until the help can arrive (such as ambulance, paramedics team).

Continue to PART 2 of Health and Safety answers 

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Author: Navneet Kaur