Care certificate Standard 13 health and safety answers

Standard 13: Health and Safety Answers Part 2

Please read and learn, do not copy.

Your answer can be completely different from mine. There is no ONE answer in Care Certificate.

Activity 13.5 a and b answer


That only trained staff can administer the medication . Besides this , our year motto is “wait and watch” which means the trained staff need to wait till all the pills are taken.


The manager and senior staff are responsible for ordering , checking stock and disposing of medication. If the resident refuse the medication then the refusal needs to recorded accurately and all medical allergies need to be highlighted well. PRN medication like paracetamol, Lorazepam and others should be administered well with manager approval. Besides this, control drugs like morphine, end-of-life medication, Gabenpentin and others needs  approval of two trained staff.


NOTE : Do not crush or fix medication with food or drink.

That all the tasks are aligned with the resident’s care plan. Besides this, it is important to receive consent form from the resident before any healthcare tasks. Tasks like cutting or trimming toenails or fingernails should not be done by the staff or specialist like Chiropodist can perform it.


Assisting the medicines can only be done if it reflected in written consent and in care plan.


Injections can only be administered by district nurse in case of residential care home.


Apart from this,only trained staff can perform personal care tasks.


Activity 13.5 c Answer


  1. Administering the medication can only be performed by the trained staff. Extra care and two trained staff is required to administer control drugs.
  2. Personal care tasks such as cutting toenails, fingernails require trained specialist like chiropodist. As social care worker , we can cut fingernail only if appropriate training is received.
  3. Assisting with first aid require proper training. If you do not know how to do CPR , basic support or emergency dressing then call the trained staff to help you.
  4. Manual handling and using lifting equipment require proper training. Do not handle, transfer resident without any appropriate training. Let your manager know if you feel you are lacking and need trainer.


Activity 13.6 a answer


1. Cleaning materials such as disinfectants , surface cleaner, antibacterial sprays, floor cleaning liquid. All the cleaning materials must be locked in the store room. If anyone ingest or come in contact with eyes can cause serious health problem.
2. Bodily fluids includes urine, faeces, vomit, blood stain etc. Bodily fluids needs to be cleaned well and discovered. Otherwise there is a risk of spreading infectious pathogens.
3. Medication Individual if consumed wrong medication can cause illness. Besides this, allergic substances/medicines can be life threatening.
4. Soiled clothes, towels and bed linen. Soiled linen must be thoroughly cleaned and all the cleaning spill materials should be disposed of as clinical waste.


Activity 13.7 a Answer


Measures that prevent fires from starting :


  1. By making sure the workplace is kept clean and tidy.
  2. All the fire exits (doors) are free of any obstructions such as boxes, wheelchair, tables etc.
  3. Make sure induction (gas stove ) area is kept clear and clean.
  4. Make sure to follow fire triangle (oxygen, fuel and heat) and all three elements are not together.
  5. Do not let waste to collect in one place.
  6. Make sure all the appliances and plug are off after use as there can be short circuit.
  7. ‘No smoking’ signs all over the premises.


Measures that prevent fires from spreading :


  1. Do not have fire doors opened as this can increase the speed of fire spreading.
  2. Use fire blankets to reduce or stop the fire flame .
  3. Use fire extinguisher to prevent the fire from spreading.

Activity 13.7 b answer



  1. Raise the alarm to let people in the building know there is fire active.
  2. Try extinguish the fire if the fire is less using fire extinguish or fire blanket. If not verbally prompt the residents to exit the building through fire exit.
  3. Make sure the emergency service is called.
  4. Ask the capable people to meet in assembly point. The residents without capacity needs manual help to evacuate them.
  5. Move horizontally to safe place. If no horizontal safe place is available , go vertically.
  6. The fire execution plan must be handed over to fire emergency service. Every care home has it.


Activity 13.8 a answer


  1. Only authorized people are allowed to enter the premises. The doors can be opened with authorized code which only staff members and management knows.
  2. All visitors, district nurses, hairdresser ,chiropodists and others are required to sign a visitor book.
  3. Every Wednesday fire alarm are checked by the trained staff.
  4. The lift is regularly checked by the trained personnel.
  5. All the lifting equipment such as standing hoist, full body hoist, double hoist is checked every six monthly. Our management keep the track of it.


Activity 13.8 b Answer


Checking the identity of a visitor is very crucial as if wrong person get access then the residents and staff can be at risk.


One can easily ask the visitor to show their ID card or their driver’s licence if needed take photocopy.


If the person is not in formal uniform or does not have ID badge then the person must be challenged immediately.


There can be a lot of scam calls, the receiver must be very cautious.


First step to check the identity of a caller is by asking them who they are and what is their name and their organization name in some cases.


Second step , make sure to write the caller number down and check with your manager.


Remember, if you are not confident about the identity of a caller, do not share any personal information or service user’s information over the phone. Transfer the call to the senior who can help you with the call.


Activity 13.9 a Answer

1. Depression , low mood all the time.

2. Tearfulness and feeling irritable.

3. Being anxious and feeling angry over small matters .

1. Heart rate increases, whole body tense.

2. Difficulty sleeping .

3. Having headaches.

1. Getting aggressive and showing irritability signs.

2. Eating less.

3. Started smoking or drinking alcohol all of sudden.


Activity 13.9 b Answer


  1. Having to do too much work but less time to do it.
  2. New working practices that increased the tension among the team members.
  3. Facing difficulty in financial matters.
  4. Getting criticized and feeling tired of strict behaviour from management.
  5. Unexpected changes in one’s health or family member.
  6. Team members changed, old one left the job.


Activity 13.9 c Answer


  1. Talking through how I feel with my line manager.
  2. Removing myself from a situation and taking time out.
  3. Take a break for 30 minutes and come back refreshed.
  4. Think of solution : “Remind yourself its part of job and keep your composure. Think about a solution that can make the person apologetic for their rude behaviour .”
  5. Watch TV dramas / films at home after  duty to refresh my mind and forget about stressful times.
Author: Navneet Kaur