Care certificate Standard 15 Infection prevention and control answers

Standard 15 : Infection Prevention and Control Answers

Care Certificate Standard 15 Infection Prevention and control help us to understand how infection is spread and how to prevent and control it.

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Activity 15.1 a Answer

1. Mouth/ Nose : Pathogens can easily go into body through airways . If infection is airborne, then they can be easily entered when person put something into their mouth.
2. Skin : Infection can easily enter the body through broken skin. Due to which the new cut or wound need to be securely closed.
3. Injection : Pathogens can enter the blood veins from infected syringes, blades or any sharp objects.


Activity 15.1 c Answer


Illness : If I am feeling unwell due to some flu or illness, then I shall not go to work because the pathogens in my body can easily passed on to vulnerable individual .


Clothing : I must make sure my clothing is washed regularly because dirty laundry can be contaimined . The uniform needs be washed often to stop the spread of infection.


Personal Hygiene : As a care worker, we should make sure to bathe or shower regularly to keep the skin free from pathogens. A clean personal hygiene routine can reduce the likelihood of injection.


Skin health : Skin must be kept clean and free of any open cuts. The cuts or new wounds should be treated with sterile water and covered with plaster. This practice is must to prevent the potential transmission of pathogen to others.


Hand Hygiene : Our hands daily come into contact with lot of dirty surfaces, so regular hand-washing technique is must. If I do not wash the hands  properly , I can transmit the infection to others vulnerable.



Activity 15.1 d Answer


1. Disposable Aprons Disposable aprons need to be wear during any personal care to protect clothing and uniform from any sort of pathogens from bodily fluids.
2. Hand cleansing gels It is extremely important to keep the skin safe  from infections as pathogens breed on skin. Thus , we need to regularly follow hand washing technique. Such as using hand sanitizers, hand gel, hand wipes and many more.
3. Gloves Wearing gloves at workplace especially healthcare is essential to reduce the likelihood of cross-contamination of me and service user I care for.
4. Masks Wearing face mask is must to save one from infection agent. For instance, one can easily breathe in the harmful particles.
5. Goggles or Face shield In recent study, I must wear goggles or face shield to protect myself from COVID-19 virus. Apart from this, one must wear goggles to protect from risk of being splashed with body fluids.


Activity 15.1 e Answer


Soiled linen includes any dirty laundry like bedding, towels and clothing that are contaminated with harmful substances or bodily fluids.


The soiled linen need to be washed separately in a 40C-50C followed by tumble drying. This  is done to kill all the bacteria from linen.


The soiled linen need to be placed in red plastic bag according to our MH policy. When dealing with soiled linen, one must wear PPE such as aprons or gloves.

‘Clinical waste’ is produce from healthcare such as pads, medical waste, dressings and many more. The waste is placed either in yellow or orange plastic bags. In MH , we use yellow sacks to store clinical waste.


When dealing with clinical waste, one must wear PPE to protect from pathogens such as gloves and aprons.

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Author: Navneet Kaur