Standard 2: Your Personal Development Answers

Care Certificate Standard 2 your personal development tells us what our employer expects from us and how we can build good relationship with each other.

Please read and learn , do not copy .

Your answer can be completely different than mine. There is no ONE answer in Care Certificate.

Activity 2.1a Answers

  1. SCIE: Social Care Institute for Excellence.
  2. NSA health website
  3. Skills for care website.
  4. Government website materials.
  5. Skills for health website

NOTE: The above mentioned are few of many websites we can access information from. Apart from this, we can also use informal websites, apps, offline journals and research.

Activity 2.1b Answers

Step 1: Agree with employer how we are going to complete care certificate and how long it will take. Plus, if there is any induction training, I need to take.

People involved: Me (main actor), Manager and any trainer (supporting actors).

Step 2: Develop your skills and abilities. Use further training, specialist courses and qualifications.

People involved: Me, manager, service users, any trainer, colleagues.

Step 3: Employer will set targets and will create PDP with me.

People involved: Me and manager.

Activity 2.1c Answers

Any constructive feedback from managers and my colleagues helps me to improve my working style. I can easily adapt new changes. I believe getting feedback from others brings a lot of opportunity to learn from others.

One should receive regular feedback from manager or assessor, as it provides clarity, develop skills and gives ability to meet the standards required. As of August 2022 in MH, I am given informal and formal constructive feedback from my management. During supervision sessions, my mentor VD always provide me feedback on my performance. I am truly grateful for that.

Activity 2.2a Answers

Need to read and contribute to care plans, record data clearly and legibly, fill out forms, write emails or take notes.


Need to monitor the service users’ weight and keep their weight loss record. Besides this, taking service users vitals also require numerical skills. Further, one needs to know how to convert and measure different measure units, for instance kg into stones.


Communicate with my managers, colleagues, service users and their family and friends. Apart from this, when I deal with officials such as nurses, GP, doctors and paramedics. I should understand and reply back accurately without any errors and omissions.


Activity 2.2b Answers

In year 2019, I have scored 7.5 bands in ILETS exam. I have completed my masters from University of East London where the courses were taught in English only. I believe that I have good knowledge of language. I can retain the information, accurately document it and describe the situation if needed to.

I did master’s in computer science and can easily calculate units if needs to. I base my views on facts and logic. If something does not make sense, I will point it out without any fear.

I believe that I am competent to work as senior carer and will continue to improve my skills as no one is perfect and there is always room for improvements.

Activity 2.2c,2.2d and 2.2e Answers


1. Recently I have completed new medication cycle for Unit 1 with support from managers. I undertook malnutrition training from forefront discover. Me and my managers attended Waterloo training (Microsoft live meeting/workshop)
2. I understood how medications are received, counted and stored until the starting of cycle. I understand the causes of malnutrition, MUST scores, steps to take. Helped me to understand different skin conditions and factors that contribute to skin issues.
3. Last month, I forgot to clean the medication cupboard but this month I made sure my work is better than last time.

Activity 2.2g Answers

Part i)

  1. Formal
  2. Informal
  3. Informal
  4. Formal
  5. Informal
  6. Informal

Part ii)

  1. Fire Training: In July 2022, all staff had fire training where Mr. KS, Mrs. MI showed how to operate fire control panel, how to immediately rush to fire point. The training was very useful. Now, we aim to do a fire drill in upcoming month to understand how to perform vertical or horizontal evacuation. I believe this kind of learning will be helpful.
  2. How to do incontinent assessment: In August 2022, my assistant manager VD have shown me how to do incontinent assessment. Today and tomorrow, me and VD will submit incontinent assessment for two of our service users. I look forward to this learning experience.
  3. How to complete fluid chart and do dietitian referral:  In June and July 2022, Mrs. MI taught me how to complete fluid and flood charts for five service users. Later Mrs. MI submitted charts and form to dietitian referral online portal. It was good learning opportunity, and I am glad I received it.

Activity 2.2i Answer

In MH, our new skills are diligently recorded by manager Mrs. MI and assistant manager VD. The record is signed by assessor and the staff. So far, I think I have around 4 to 5 records in my folder which can be classified as CPD (continuing professional development) records. I hope to continue developing new skills at MH.

Check out: Care Certificate Standard 5 answers


Author: Navneet Kaur