Standard 3: Duty of Care answers

Care Certificate Standard 3 duty of care teaches us our responsibility as social care workers is to look after service users with care and compassion.

Please read and learn, do not copy.

Your answer can be completely different from mine. There is no ONE answer in Care Certificate.

Activity 3.1a Answer

Duty of care is a legal obligation, that is mandatory to be followed by the social care worker. Breaking this, code of conduct can lead to legal action. Social care and health worker are responsible for the individuals they are looking after and must make sure all these needs are met and always work in agreed ways of working. As a carer, I have to make sure that service user’s safety and wellbeing are my top priority.

The residents must be encouraged to take part in social activities, for instance, cake parties, games, quiz, fall prevention activities and more to get rid of boredom. These kind of interactions increases the likelihood of satisfaction and contentment with life.

Activity 3.1b Answer

I am expected to behave as a care worker who is religiously follow her duty of care. I have to hold myself accountable for all actions and omissions I commit.


Tell the standard that organization expects from its employees. It’s the guidelines to make sure employees and service users are safe in the building. Our MH has different procedures for risk assessments, risk enablement and health and safety. We follow colored mop buckets code as per government guidelines.


Such practices should be taken seriously and ‘responsible person’ or ‘accountable officer’ need to make sure that situation is handled well. Any wrong behavior is straight violation of duty of care and if someone practice anything against duty of care. And if someone practice anything against duty of care,it is illegal, and the abuser will face legal action.

Activity 3.3b Answer

I need to inform the situation to my care home manager who I believe is ‘responsible person’. The manager can investigate the situation and can follow the complaint and risk procedure. During this time, I have made sure that I only state the facts and do not point out to potential person who has been tampering. Because if my guess is wrong, the relation and trust between me and person will be ruined.
Yes, I have read about complaints procedure regulation, and I would like to know who ‘accountable officer’ in MH is. Besides this, I also would like to know what the complaint procedure in my workplace is.
I will get complain documents where the food reviewed will be noted down. The complaint form will be submitted to top management who can have meeting with cook and change the needs to individual’s preferences.

Activity 3.3c Answer

Positive comments bring encouragement and helps to understand positive way of working makes a difference in people’s life. However, on the other hand complaints and concerns should be taken seriously and explored so that any learning can be immediately adopted in the agreed ways of working. Doing right things can promote healthy and positive environment in the workplace.

Activity 3.4a and b Answers

1. Incident Under incident, we describe about events that need investigation and this specific negative event have caused severe harm or damage to person receiving the care. Must Do:

l Follow code of conduct and support the investigation.

l Answer all the questions honestly and accurately during the investigation.

Must not do:

Hide any information.

2. Error It is clearly an error which caused from bad planning and staff allocation. In this situation, organization’s resources (staff and their time) were wasted. Must do:

Clear staff allocation should take place.

Report to manager about this error.

learn from this error and prevent it from happening again in the future.

3. Near miss Clearly a near miss event where the individual could have harmed. Must do:

Report event to manager.

Be vigilant and attentive at work.

Individual’s safety and wellbeing should be taken seriously in future.

Must not do:

Ignore the event.

4. Adverse event It is adverse event as if wet floor sign was placed on time, the harm was preventable. But lack of action to individual harm. Must do:

Re-train staff on health and safety and how to identify the hazard on time.

Must not do:

Ignore the event.


Activity 3.4c Answers

  1. A scenario where number of patients died and unexpectedly in care covers the following legislation: RIDDOR (The reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrence regulations) 2013.


  1. An error where two staff members went to individual house covers following legislation: No legislation covers it, but the employer have duty to ensure that such errors do not happen again in the future I.e., agreed ways of working.


  1. Near miss where individual who has nut allergy offered peanut butter sandwich by mistake: RIDDOR (The reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations) 2013.


  1. Adverse event where individual slips and no wet sign was displayed: The management of health and safety regulations 1999.

Activity 3.5a Answer

  1. An individual may feel frustrated due to loud music or any background noises. (Environmental Factor)
  2. An individual is feeling pain but can not express into words (Biological factor)
  3. An individual may feel left out or lonely (psychological factor)
  4. An individual having urine infection (UTI) and having argument with everyone. (Biological factor).

Activity 3.5b, c and e Answers

  1. An individual suffering from dementia cannot express when they are feeling pain and can often shows signs of frustration which can lead to serious confrontation with others.
  2. Staff must pick any early signs of frustration and need to ask the individual if they feel any pain somewhere. Talking and showing concern sometimes shows the individual that we care about them. In duty of care, care and compassion is the code of conduct.
  3. Step one: Pick early signs of change in behavior. Step two: Try pain relief tablets (paracetamol or others). Step three: Take urine sample as there is possibility of UTI.
  4. In MH, staff are encouraged to share any concerns during morning handover. In this handover, the course of action is discussed, and implementation is encouraged as soon as possible.
Author: Navneet Kaur