Standard  4: Equality and Diversity Answers

Care Certificate Standard 4 tells us the importance of equality and diversity in care home settings where the staff must be mindful and carry themselves in a positive manner.

Please read and learn, do not copy.

Your answer can be completely different from mine. There is no ONE answer in Care Certificate.

Activity 4.1a Answer


Diversity Equality Inclusion Discrimination

Our ‘differences’ makes us unique. Every one of us is unique in their own ways.


Equality means treating all individuals as equal and fair. Everyone should be given equal opportunity.


Inclusion means including everyone into a group or society and not excluding anyone.


Discrimination means treating someone negatively based on prejudice, label or stereotype.

Activity 4.1 b Answer

Example 1 Answer: Deliberate Discrimination (Disability discrimination). This example clearly indicates deliberate discrimination where only individuals using wheelchair have been excluded from joining community activities.

Example 2 Answer: Deliberate Discrimination (Gender Discrimination). Having prejudice and acting on it is clear indication of deliberate discrimination. In this case, volunteer acted on his bias opinion and have given different treatment on the basis of gender.

Example 3 Answer: Inadvertent (Religion discrimination). The example indicates ‘religion discrimination’ where the new resident cannot practice his or her religion. The care home committed inadvertent discrimination where unknown it happened, but the care home can change its policy for its new resident.

Example 4 Answer: Inadvertent discrimination. It is inadvertent discrimination where the care worker likes his client and have overlooked the needs of other individual. Reminding the care worker to maintain his professional attitude can rectify this mistake.

Activity 4.1c Answer

Because this approach provides with opportunities that take into account the differences and provide fair and equal access that is to be given the same chance as all individuals. As a care worker, I must fulfil my duty of care and promote equality, diversity and inclusion. For example, in MH we have DB a resident who eats gluten free food. All staff members are aware about this and make sure to respect DB choices.

Activity 4.2a Answer

  1. Equality Act 2010: Every human being has right to get fair and equal treatment.
  2. Human Rights Act 1998: Sets out the ways that everyone should be treated by the state and by public authorities.
  3. Mental Capacity Act 2005: To protect people who cannot make decisions for themselves.
  4. The Care Act 2014: Guides and puts an individual’s well-being at the Centre of all care and support.
  5. Health and Social Care Act 2012: Sets out to modernize NHS care by supporting new services and giving patients a greater voice in their care.

Activity 4.2c Answer

Question One Answer:

Case 1: Individual in wheelchair but walks with Zimmer frame – Support individual to stand and the card machine to pay for shopping. This will give the individual a sense of an accomplishment where the task was achieved with minimum efforts.

Case 2: Individual sitting in wheelchair and cannot walk- Remove the card reader machine from stand and pass it to the individual so that she can pay for his or her shopping.

Question Second Answer:

Its example of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. I will talk with my colleague to treat everyone equally but if I see such attitude after our talk. I will report straight to my management to talk some disciplinary action against the worker who is not fulfilling the duty of care.

Activity 4.3a Answer

  1. Legislation knowledge can be gathered from: government website.
  2. Mental capacity and making decisions material can be accessed from government website as well.
  3. Facts sheets can also be retrieved from government site under health and social act 2012.
  4. Care workers can revisit the code of conducts from two websites: Skills for health and Skills for care.
  5. In addition to this, information can be collected from SCIE website.

Activity 4.3b and c Answer

When How


1. The moment I felt I need to gather more information on dementia , I will start actively looking for information access point. 1. Check individuals discharge letters , previous care notes to understand the needs.

2. Search similar cases through internet.

3. Learn about dementia in detail.

1. Talk to my manager and tell her I need more training on dementia,so that she can ask  in-house our trainer to conduct a training on communication needs of dementia people.
2.I realize that I have less knowledge about religious beliefs of the individuals  I am caring. When I felt I need more information. 1. Ask my colleagues.

2. Use websites and check how many religious beliefs are practise in UK.

1. Talk to manager and ask her to train me how many religion our residents follow in total.

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Author: Navneet Kaur

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