Standard 7: Privacy and Dignity Answers

Care Certificate Standard 7 Privacy and Dignity teaches us the value of giving space to someone when they need as well as listening to an individual with an open mind and not having assumptions about them.

Please read and learn, do not copy.

Your answer can be completely different from mine. There is no ONE answer in Care Certificate.

Activity 7.1a Answer 

Privacy is giving someone space where and when they need it. And keeping private information about the individuals confidential. For Example, if an individual’s family came to meet in the room, then I must give private space to family and individuals. I should close the door and always knock before I enter the room at all times.

Dignity is valuing people that are receiving care and support are unique individuals in their ways and respect their opinions, choices and decisions. Besides this as care worker it is my duty to not make assumptions regarding how they want to be treated. I must always be professional, courteous and maintain their pride and request consent.

Activity 7.1b Answer

1. When entering the space, bedside, cubicle, room, home that an individual is in The code of conduct for healthcare support workers and adult social care workers states that I must gain consent before providing care and support to an individual. Therefore, I must always make my presence known and ask if the individual is happy for me to enter the space they are in
When giving wash/shower to the individual . Keeping the private parts covered up when they are not to be exposed. Close the door and curtains. Keep the person informed and ask permission before doing anything.


Someone said that he wants to be alone in his room. Respect his wish for alone time and do not disturb them .
Family inquiries about the individual’s health. Following right to confidential , get consent from individual before sharing the individual’s information with family.
Assisting someone with meals. Encourage independence as much as possible. Keep the person informed.


Activity 7.2c  Answer

As a social care worker, I get to know to a lot of personal information about the individuals I work with and so it is very important that I respect each individual’s privacy by not sharing information about them unless it is absolutely necessary. Although the Equality Act 2010 makes it illegal to discriminate against individuals based on  protected characteristics such as sexual orientation , unfortunately still exist in the society  today. This , information such as sexual orientation, personal history, health condition and social circumstances can be source of embarrassment or prejudice for individuals .


Activity 7.3a Answer


  1. Provide as much information as possible :Individuals can only make informed choices if they are given all the information they need to make that choice.
  2. Help individual to analyse all the potential consequences of each choice:By looking at the possible outcomes for each of the choices available and the likelihood of them happening.
  1. Talk to experts :If the individual can not make choice themselves , then I will arrange for other people with expertise or experience to talk to individual about it.


Activity 7.3b & c

Question 1. Answer


Risk assessments are legal requirement and will give clear guidance on how to keep people safe and prevent danger, harm and accidents . Each resident/individual should have a risk assessment as part of their care,support,rehabilitation or treatment plan. For example , barthel index, MUST , choking assessment , waterlow , braden scale, and many more.


Question 2. Answer

To promote the dignity of all individuals they should be fully involved in any decision that affects their care, including personal decisions (such as : what to eat, what to wear and what time to go to bed) . As a carer , its my duty to make sure that the individual have all the information to make a decisions and include risks and implications. This is ‘informed choice’.



Activity 7.3d Answer


Part i) Answers


  1. YES


  1. NO


  1. YES


Part i) Answers


If an individual has had changes made to their care without being consulted or informed and without giving their consent,(such as example 1 &3 above) then this kind of decisions should be challenged.


Activity 7.4d Answer


Example 1 Book an appointment with GP to discuss the issue as soon as possible. Report to my manager immediately , inform the rest of team and document the conversation
Example 2 I would assist the individual to speak to the manager of the service. I would remind them of their responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 regarding discrimination. Inform my manager, document the interaction and inform the rest of my team.


Activity 7.5a,b & d Answers


Part ii) Complete the table




By giving them all the relevant information  they need to make ‘informed decision’. Besides this , get specialist advice from the medical staff and guidance from others. By developing their own self care skills ,individuals can maintain their independence and control over their own lives.This increases confidence, self-esteem and overall well being. To maintain their own network of friends,it boosts their identity and self-image.



Activity 7.5 a,b &d Answer


Part ii) Answer


As a care worker, I can promote and encourage active participation because the individual will feel valued , develop confidence and understand that they have control over their care decisions. This will help to promote independence, identity, self-esteem and well being.


Activity 7.5c Answer


Complete the diagram


  1. Listening carefully and acting on what individuals tell you.
  2. Supporting individuals to find solutions to any issues that they have.
  3. Promoting choice by asking for views.
  4. Respecting and supporting the choices that individuals make.



Activity 7.6b Answer


As a care worker , I must never let my personal beliefs and opinions overshadow or affect the residents/individuals decisions.I can only give information to an individual, the decision should be theirs. The information provided to the individual should be unbiased in nature.

Author: Navneet Kaur