Standard 9 : Mental Health Dementia and Learning Disabilities Answers

Care Certificate Standard 9 Mental health, dementia and learning disabilities teach us what dementia and learning disabilities are and how to seek consent before we do anything. It also depicts the importance of mental capacity and how to assess people.

Please read and learn, do not copy.

Your answer can be completely different from mine. There is no ONE answer in Care Certificate.

Activity 9.1a,b & c Answers


An individual feels things are worse than they are. He will feel increased heart rate, breathing difficulty and wanting to escape or run away. An individual will feel emotions such as hopelessness and negativity that do not go away. An individual suffering from psychosis feel hallucinations and delusions. An individual feels confused, frustrated and frightened . The individual can keep repeating stories or asking the  same questions again and again . An individual may not be able to express verbally effectively which lead person feeling ignored.


The person may need treatment such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). The person need opportunity to talk and share how they feel. Such as ‘Depression Alliance’. The person need reassurance again and again that you can see the things they are seeing. Besides this , organization such as ‘Mental Health Foundation’ ‘Rethink and Mind’. Dementia is a condition which decline the person’s thinking, processing and remembering skills. The individual need, care, respect and compassion to live their life. Its lifelong disability which requires a lot of patience and specialist guidance. Positive behavior management.


Activity 9.1a,b &c Answers


Part ii)

It is important to understand that the causes and people’s support needs are different. Individual are unique and have personalized needs and preferences. A person-centered approach is very useful.


As health care worker, it is our duty to make sure our residents are living their best life. Mental health conditions can change in any moment and an individual need constant and correct support. For instance, an individual suffering from anxiety may need cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) , and an individual suffering from schizophrenia may need supervision at all times. If any decline in the health, care worker need to speak to their manager about how the individual’s needs are assessed.

If an individual with dementia is approaching the end stage, then management need to make sure the care plan is reviewed regularly. An end-of-life medication and death wishes needs to added as necessary.


Moving on, an individual with learning disabilities may have the potential of learning new skills with proper opportunities and workshops.


Activity 9.2 a Answers


Negative attitude : Having prejudice that person with dementia may not be able to make their own decisions . Hence, even their daily activities suffers.


Impacts: The individual will not be able to take his individual decisions and may lose any independence they had before. This makes the person feel low, have less self-confidence and overall  well being will suffer.


Positive change : Work with individual to assess their mental capacity using MMSE framework. Even if the score is less, the individual needs to be supported to make their own decisions.


Impacts : Overall well being of an individual will improve and the individual will feel happy to gain control over their life.


Activity 9.2b Answers


A person disability is the way that care organization respond or react to the person’s illness or condition, instead of person’s condition. This model discarded the past model which focuses on treating the illness only. For example,if a wheelchair person can not access any part of the building, then it is organization’s fault which need to be rectify according to the social model.
This model helps to remove barriers that restricts the life choices. The care workers and the individual they are looking after,can have open conversation. This helps the person to be independent and included in the community.
It creates an environment where the individual has the same opportunities as other people. Besides this, the individual’s needs and preferences are explored effectively. The person-centred practice helps to promote independence.


Activity 9.3 a Answers


Psychosis management training needs to be explored,so that worker can understand the condition and can understand the condition and can understand the actions and behaviors of the individual.
There are many organizations that support individuals with depression and provide information. ‘Depression Alliance’ is good site to gain information.
Providing care and emotional support to some who is dealing with stress is very important. As it gives the person a channel through which he can talk about the condition and possibly change the way he think.
Right community can make an individual feel the sense of belonging and being heard. These groups can be assessed in-person , virtually or online.
This kind of therapy assessment helps to adapt activity, equipment and  environment according to the needs of an individual with learning disabilities.


Activity 9.3 b Answers

In our MH, our agreed ways of working has ‘open door policy’ which says that if as a carer we see any unmet needs, we can get directly to our manager. The manager can guide us on how to get more professional guidance expert on this unmet needs.

Besides this, reassessment of needs can take place from our part. Our duty to make sure an individual who is suffering from mental health conditions feel the care and compassion at our home.


Activity 9.4 a Answers


Maximize the well being of an individual : Early detection can give an individual to brace themselves with the impact of worsening symptoms in the future. Living a life with a potential disease is hard to hear but it give the person to make decisions that are necessary. Get proper help to slow down the condition: Early detection can help the person to see the possible medical treatment to alleviate the symptoms of depression, anxiety or dementia.
Get advance care planning done : Early detection can the help the person to consider and express their wishes and decisions while they can. Can get help from support groups/community : Person can get right emotional support from community and can get financial support at early detection of condition.


Activity 9.4 b Answers


As Rashid suffers from claustrophobia, his appointment needs to be reschedule to his home where he can have comfortable meeting with professional. Doing so , Rashid can feel confident and can express himself well. He can not travel and will not be able to use lift even in the venue.
Paul or Paul’s family can hire the carer who can prepare the meal for him. Other option is setting alarm or reminder messages to promote Paul’s independence. This adjustment need to take place otherwise Paul if does not eat well will suffer from malnutrition which can result to health weakness.
Staff need to come up with agreed way of communication , it could be Makaton or others. Once method is decided, staff can be trained in it. It is extremely important for Eliza to express her views and opinion as then only her independence and engagement can take place in care.


Activity 9.5 a & b Answers


With the help of this right, an individual’s human rights are protected and respected by others. Anyone taking their human rights can result into legal action.
This act is specially designed to protect the people who do not have capacity to make decision for themselves. A set criteria can check this. According to this act, only individual who are assessed as having ‘lack of capacity’ may have their daily decisions through best interest meetings.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016 According to this , regulation personal data about residents and staff need to be shared on ‘need-to-know’ basis. The data must be password protected.
Care Act 2014 This act ensures that local authorities promote a healthy lifestyle for individual who are suffering from mental illness.


Activity 9.6 a Answers


Capacity refers to an individual’s ability to make decision for themselves. Every day we make small-small choices which impact the overall well being. But some people can suddenly lack the capacity to make their own decisions. These individuals likely suffer from dementia, learning disabilities and more.

To assess their ‘capacity’ , one need to follow Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) which protects people who need care or treatment but can not make their decisions.

Remember, a person can sometimes make , daily decisions such as what he want to wear, eat or how he want to spend the day. But complicate decisions such as financial affairs or property matters can be too much for them and they might need ‘best interest meetings’ with MDT (Multi Disciplinary Team).

Activity 9.6b Answers

According to Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) , as a carer we need to assume the person has the capacity to make decisions for themselves. Unless it is proved in document or they have been assessed by professional that they lack capacity. By assuming the person has capacity can provide the individual chance to make their own decisions which helps them to feel empowered and in control of their life.

Even if an individual is making the choice that I personally disagree, still I have to respect their decisions . I must remember that everyone has right to make their own decisions despite their cognitive disabilities.

Activity 9.6 c Answers

1.a Consent means giving permission to something. In care home, I work we require written consent from our service users that they give their permission for carer to provide care to them.

1.b Informed consent needs an individual to fully understand what they are agreeing to and understand the pros and cons of their decision. Our residents at MH care home are always informed before seeking any written or verbal consent. Even the individual’s next of kin is informed to positively help the individual . Informed consent accept person centered care values.



Medication consent : This consent needs to be in written format for a care home and the resident. The resident needs to informed the pros and cons (possible side effects) to fully decide whether they want to withdraw or accept the consent.


Verbal Consent : Every time when I enter the resident’s room . I need to seek their permission. In addition to this, any personal care require a verbal consent before I can help the resident.


But a consent is not required if individual lacks capacity and need life saving treatment then ‘best of interest ’ decision needs to take place.


Activity 9.6 d Answers


If the individual seems to be unable to retain information to make their own well being decisions. In such case an assessment of capacity is must as the person is at risk of exploitation. Besides this , if an individual can not talk or verbalize their decision, then ‘best of interest’ meetings need to take place and an assessment of capacity is required.
These statements helps to understand and record the individuals wishes for their nearer future. As there might be time where the individual may be unable to make their decisions then such statements can act as ‘framework’ for care plans.
Author: Navneet Kaur

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