UNIT 2 : Communication for Health and Social Care

UNIT 2 : Communication for Health and Social Care

Unit 2 Communication for health and social care of Level 3 Diploma helps us to understand the right way of passing the message.

What is Communication ?

Communication means making sure idea of the sender is delivered well to the receiver without any discrepancy. Communication is very important in health and social care as any mistake in it can cause a risk of life or putting someone at a risk.

There must be completeness in the process of communication, this includes between doctors and patient, doctor and carer , nurse and doctor and other internal and external professionals.


Methods of Communication


There are number of ways in which communication can take place , some of them are as below. No matter which method you select , it must be follow with proper precision.


  1. Verbal Communication
  2. Non-Verbal Communication
  3. Written Communication
  4. Electronic Communication
  5. One to One communication
  6. Group Communication
  7. Formal Communication
  8. Informal Communication
  9. Internal Communication
  10. External Communication
  11. Horizontal Communication
  12. Vertical Communication.

Principles of Effective Communication

  1. Selecting Channel :It is your choice which channel you want to go for when you are sending your ideas to someone. For example you can go for face to face communication , written or verbal interactions and others. Choose the one you are comfortable using and the receiver can understand . Person with deafness need you to write on piece of paper , so that he/she can read it.


  1. Active Listening: Listening to the speaker with your full concentration , not worrying about replying back or cutting in between the interaction. Be attentive listener.


  1. Message Clarity :Use of slang or technical words can be count as obstructive accessories which can reduce the completeness of message. Please refrain yourself from using them. Make your message clear and simple.


Models of Health Communication

There are mainly four models of Health communication, I will be writing the names down and very brief introduction , please take your time and read more on them.

1.Therapeutic model :This model is client centered which aim to reduce human suffering.

2. Health belief model : This model is based on one’s willingness to avoid illness.

3.King’s interaction model: Targets the client (patient) and nurse communication.

4. Participative Doctor: Patient Interaction Model says when patients are more involved in their care and decision-making , they are more willing to accept the solutions . A common understanding establish.


Data Protection and Confidentiality

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) is the law that tells what the organization must do when they handle patients , staff and residents data.GDPR covers data such as care plans , medications , care notes , POA , digital data and any sort of data that can identify the users.

GDPR instructs care homes and hospitals to build a good data security such as install antivirus protections , firewalls and others. The four main elements of GDPR are as follows :

  1. Fair and lawful processing
  2. Purpose limitation
  3. Data Minimization
  4. Data Retention

You may also like UNIT1: An Introduction to Health and Social Care


Author: Navneet Kaur

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