Unit 3 : Coaching and Mentoring in Health and Social Care

Unit 3 : Coaching and Mentoring in Health and Social Care

Unit 3 Coaching and Mentoring in health and social care of Level 3 Diploma helps us to understand the difference between coaching and mentoring.

What is Coaching?

Coaching is making a conscious efforts to make sure the other person is achieving  their specific goals . This person who act as fuel in other’s journey is called as instructor or coach. A coach tells you how play on your strengths and how to improve on your weakness.


What is Mentoring ?

Mentoring is different than coaching . As a person can guide or support you but ultimately its your choices and efforts that make you different . For example , a teacher or mentor is going to teach same thing to a lot of students but some takes the advice and start working on it whereas others call it a burden and leave it.

Mentoring can help you in networking , political strategics, negotiation and managing.


Introducing the G.R.O.W Model


G.R.O.W model stands for following :

  1. Goal Setting is a first and the foremost step which means you are  setting the purpose and direction to your action.
  2. Secondly have a reality check on how much improvement is needed from you and your employer to breakdown any issues that one can encounter to achieve the vision.
  3. Develop your options to know what is available for to help with the performance.
  4. Once you have decided on options , you can wrap it up with a plan.


What is SMART goals?


When you are setting a goal , you must make sure that you goal is SMART which means following:

  1. Your goal must be specific about its vision.
  2. It must be measurable, such as % of return or improvement from current situation.
  3. Your goal must be something that one can achieve. It should not be superficial and  something that is out of limits and resources.
  4. Next  the goal must be realistic in approach.
  5. One can put a time-frame on it , for instance you need to know when you want your goal to be achieved.


How to identify obstacles ?


In workplace , you will eventually face a situation where you have no idea what is going on then you follow three steps :


1.Firstly , spot or identify the problem because without knowing the problem one can not reach anywhere. It will be like standing in the dark for a long period.


2. When you know the problem then you look for the reason how it became a “obstacle” in your journey. Root out the cause!

3. Provide a solution or antidote to the problem .You must have action plan on how to deal with this roadblock.


When coaching , we should avoid being a DOPE


Degrading your employees : Using insulting words like lazy , stupid and others are not the way of maintaining a good and healthy environment.

Ostracizing your employee: Using coaching sessions only as method of discipline and not appreciating the efforts of the employee can cause lots of dissatisfaction.

Punishing your employee: Only using coaching time to punish or fire the employee.

Evaluating your employee: Telling off the employee and comparing with other high performing ones.


How to build a trust ?

As employee and employer , we have to make sure we are always presenting ourselves with utmost respect and dignity and build a strong connection with each other. Following are the ways to build trust among the team :

  1. Maintain a positive body language.
  2. Listen to each other intently and speak less.
  3. Always respect your employees.
  4. Keep things confidential.
  5. Keep your promises.
  6. Be honest and transparent
  7. Be confident
  8. Tell them you believe in them.

What is the importance of the feedback ?

When it comes feedback , it is very important that we talk about sandwich feedback which is a technique used to make feedback as a easy process. In this you highlight good and bad together. The structure of this method is called POP which stands for


  1. Praise
  2. Opportunity for growth
  3. Praise

You may also like UNIT 2 : Communication for Health and Social Care

Author: Navneet Kaur