Accident and incident procedure for care home

Accident and Incident Procedure for Care Home


At [Care Home Name], the safety and well-being of our residents, employees, and visitors are our top priorities. We have established this Accident and Incident Procedure to ensure a prompt, effective, and compassionate response to accidents and incidents within our care home. This procedure outlines the steps to be followed to maintain a safe environment and provide appropriate support when accidents or incidents occur.

I. Definitions:

In the context of this procedure, the following definitions apply:
1. Accidents: Unplanned events that result in injury, harm, or damage to individuals or property within the care home.
2. Incidents: Unexpected events that may or may not cause harm or injury but require attention, investigation, or documentation.

II. Reporting of Accidents and Incidents:

1. Prompt Reporting:
– Any individual who witnesses or becomes aware of an accident or incident within the care home must report it immediately to the designated authority or staff member on duty.
– Reporting should include accurate and detailed information such as the date, time, location, individuals involved, nature of the incident, and any other relevant details.
– The designated staff member will be responsible for documenting the incident in an incident report form.

2. Communication Channels:
– Clear communication channels should be established to ensure efficient reporting and response.
– Staff members should be informed about the proper reporting procedures during their orientation and training.
– Internal communication processes should be in place to disseminate information to relevant personnel.

III. Immediate Response and First Aid:

1. Ensuring Safety:
– Upon the occurrence of an accident or incident, the immediate concern is to ensure the safety of all individuals involved.
– Staff members should take immediate action to remove any hazards, secure the area, and prevent further harm.
– Trained first aiders or medical professionals present in the care home should provide immediate assistance.

2. First Aid Provision:
– Staff members who are certified in first aid should be available within the care home.
– First aid kits should be readily accessible and regularly checked to ensure they are fully stocked.
– Proper documentation of any first aid provided should be recorded in the resident’s or employee’s medical file, as applicable.

3. Emergency Medical Assistance:
– In cases where immediate medical attention is required, emergency medical services should be contacted promptly.
– Staff members should be familiar with the procedures for contacting emergency medical services and provide accurate information regarding the situation.

IV. Safety and Security Measures:

1. Securing the Incident Area:
– Once the immediate safety of individuals involved has been ensured, the area should be secured to prevent further accidents or incidents.
– Temporary barriers or caution signs may be used to restrict access to the area until it is deemed safe.

2. Hazard Assessment and Control:
– Care home management should conduct a thorough hazard assessment to identify potential risks or hazards within the facility.
– Appropriate measures should be implemented to mitigate these hazards, such as repairing equipment, improving signage, or enhancing staff training.

3. Preservation of Evidence:
– In cases where an incident requires further investigation, preserving evidence becomes crucial.
– Staff members should be trained to preserve the incident scene, including taking photographs, documenting details, and securing any physical evidence, if applicable.

V. Investigation and Documentation:

1. Purpose of Investigation:
– An investigation should be conducted following accidents or incidents to determine the root causes and prevent future occurrences.
– The primary goal is to learn from the incident and implement corrective actions.

2. Responsibilities of the Investigating Authority:
– The designated authority or staff member should lead the investigation.
– They should gather relevant information, interview witnesses, review available evidence, and document the investigation findings.
– Collaborative efforts with

relevant departments or personnel may be required for a comprehensive investigation.

3. Root Cause Analysis:
– A root cause analysis should be performed to identify the underlying causes of the accident or incident.
– Techniques such as the 5 Whys or fishbone diagrams can be used to analyze contributing factors.

4. Corrective Actions and Preventive Measures:
– Based on the investigation findings, appropriate corrective actions and preventive measures should be developed and implemented.
– These actions may include revising policies and procedures, enhancing staff training, improving equipment maintenance, or implementing additional safety measures.

5. Incident Report Form and Documentation:
– Incident report forms should be used to document all relevant details regarding accidents or incidents.
– The form should capture information such as the date, time, location, individuals involved, description of the incident, and any other pertinent information.
– Documentation of the investigation findings should be included in the incident report form.

VI. Communication and Notifications:

1. Internal Communication:
– Effective communication is crucial within the care home following an accident or incident.
– Staff members should be informed of updates and any actions taken in response to the incident.
– Management and relevant departments should be kept informed of significant incidents.

2. External Communication:
– Depending on the nature and severity of the incident, external communication may be necessary.
– Regulatory authorities should be notified if required by law or regulations.
– Families or responsible parties of affected residents should be notified with compassion, providing appropriate information while respecting privacy and confidentiality.

VII. Support and Follow-up:

1. Emotional and Physical Support:
– Following an accident or incident, appropriate support and care should be provided to affected individuals, including residents, employees, and witnesses.
– Compassionate and empathetic staff members should be available to address the emotional needs of those affected.

2. Counseling Services and Psychological Support:
– If necessary, counselling services or psychological support should be arranged to help individuals cope with the emotional impact of the incident.
– This support can be provided internally or through external resources.

3. Medical Follow-up and Care:
– Injured individuals should receive appropriate medical follow-up and care as necessary.
– The care home should ensure that necessary medical interventions, rehabilitation, or treatment plans are implemented.

4. Return-to-Work Procedures:
– For employees involved in accidents or incidents, return-to-work procedures should be in place.
– These procedures should consider any necessary physical or emotional accommodations to support the employee’s successful return to work.

VIII. Review and Improvement:

1. Importance of Ongoing Review:
– Regular review of accidents and incidents is essential to identify patterns, trends, or areas for improvement.
– It enables the care home to continually enhance its safety protocols and preventive measures.

2. Periodic Review of Accidents and Incidents:
– Analyzing incident reports and investigation findings can help identify areas for improvement.
– Collaboration among relevant departments and personnel is crucial in this process.

3. Enhancing Safety Protocols and Preventive Measures:
– Lessons learned from incidents should be used to enhance safety protocols, policies, and procedures within the care home.
– Training and education programs should be revised based on identified needs.
– Improvements may include enhancing safety equipment, infrastructure, and communication systems.


The Accident and Incident Procedure outlined here provides a framework for ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals within [Care Home Name]. By promptly reporting incidents, providing immediate response and first aid, conducting thorough investigations, and implementing necessary corrective actions, we aim to create a safe environment for our residents, employees, and visitors. Continuous review and improvement are key to maintaining a high standard of care and preventing future accidents and incidents.

You can download accident and incident procedure for care home  template here !!!

Next : Acceptance of Gifts Policy for care home
Author: Navneet Kaur